DK Chat [free]


In the free chat without registration everyone finds their dream partner or leads nice conversations, discussions... Be there, too! You can unsubscribe without registration. The operation is very simple. DK Chat is also suitable for newcomers to chat, since the user-friendly operation is self-explanatory. There is only a free membership and therefore no costs arise! The app is of course also for tablets or visits us via PC Homepage To app: A beautiful, powerful but easy multi-user video chat app for Android Features: Edit one's own profile Check other user's profile Block annoying user Small icons in the user list to indicate chat users with video or audio Video user list Private chat Change status (available, busy, away) Nice UI Easy and user-friendly Smileys Take a picture or select one from your album to send it to the chat lobby or a specific person Members have the ability to add friends, and a friends/buddies list, while guests don't have it

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  • Nome do Aplicativo: DK Chat
  • Categoria: Comunicação
  • Código App:
  • A versão mais:
  • Exigência: 2.2.x ou superior
  • Tamanho : 3.75 MB
  • Atualizado: 2022-09-28