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La Biblia Reina Valera es el conjunto de libros canónicos del judaísmo y el cristianismo. Según las religiones judía y cristiana, transmite la palabra de Dios. Le
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Apocalipsis Reina Valera 1960
La nueva Biblia Reina Valera Audio consta de 73 libros: 46 constitutivos del llamado Antiguo Testamento y 27 del Nuevo Testamento. El Antiguo Testamento narra
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The Reina Valera Bible is the set of canonical books of Judaism and Christianity. According to the Jewish and Christian religions, it transmits the word of God. We present
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The sacred books, includes:
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1 Samuel and 2 Samuel. He is the last judge of Israel in the audio bible
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1 Chronicles and 2 Chronicles. The current language bible in audio
Ezra It is the return of Zion
Nehemiah This sacred Bible concludes the part of strict historical narration
Ester. She was a prophetess of the Hebrew Bible
Job. It is the main figure of the Book of Job in the Study Bible
Psalms It is also known as Praise or Psalter
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Isaiah He is the first of the Major Prophets in the Israelite Audio Bible
Jeremiah The second of the prophets in the international bible in Spanish
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Ezekiel: records seven visions of the prophet Ezekiel
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Apocalypse Reina Valera 1960
The new Reina Valera Audio Bible consists of 73 books: 46 constitutive of the so-called Old Testament and 27 of the New Testament. The Old Testament narrates mainly the
history of the Hebrews and the New Testament the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, his message and the history of the first Christians.

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  • Nome do Aplicativo: Audio Biblia gratis Español: Reina Valera 1960 mp3
  • Categoria: Livros e referências
  • Código App:
  • A versão mais: 3.1.1065
  • Exigência: 4.2 ou superior
  • Tamanho : 7.83 MB
  • Atualizado: 2020-04-27