Pinhome - Properti, KPR & Jasa 1.13.0 [free]


Ajak teman install & daftar Aplikasi Pinhome pakai kode referralmu, dapatkan voucher Pinhome Home Service hingga 4 Juta!*
Jasa Rumah Tangga & Gaya Hidup Profesional
Pinhome menyediakan Pinhome Home Service untuk menjawab kebutuhan kamu terhadap jasa rumah tangga dan gaya hidup, yang meliputi layanan home cleaning, disinfektan fogging,
pijat, cuci mobil, cuci dan perbaikan AC.
Pinhome Home Service memiliki Customer Happiness Program yang menyediakan garansi layanan, asuransi layanan, dan rekan jasa terlatih.
Garansi Layanan memberikan jaminan layanan ulang tanpa biaya tambahan jika pelanggan tidak puas dengan layanan yang diberikan oleh Rekan Jasa Pinhome. Semua
layanan Pinhome Home Service dilindungi oleh asuransi, dan Pelanggan tidak akan diminta biaya tambahan. Dapatkan manfaat jaminan penggantian hingga Rp5.000.000/klaim
apabila terjadi kehilangan barang, kerusakan properti atau cedera tubuh akibat layanan yang diberikan Rekan Jasa Pinhome Home Service pada saat pengerjaan.
Rekan Jasa Pinhome sudah melalui proses seleksi, pemeriksaan latar belakang, pelatihan, dan sertifikasi dengan minimal 2 tahun pengalaman kerja.
Fitur Pilih Rekan Jasa memungkinkan pelanggan bisa memilih Rekan Jasa yang pernah mengerjakan layanan sebelumnya.
Metode pembayaran jasa home service Pinhome bervariasi mulai dari Virtual Account semua bank hingga Gopay.
Pendampingan Pencarian Properti hingga Akad
Pinhome membantu para pengguna aplikasi untuk belajar properti dan memahami tahapan pencarian hingga pembelian rumah dari awal hingga selesai dengan panduan membeli
Menyediakan lebih dari ratusan ribu listing mulai dari properti primer, sekunder, hingga lelang dari developer tepercaya dan didukung oleh Rekan Agen Pinhome berpengalaman
yang siap mendampingi jual beli properti online.
Nikmati konsultasi gratis kapan pun dan di mana pun bersama Konsultan Properti dan Rekan Agen melalui fitur Chat di aplikasi Pinhome.
Buat jadwal survei properti & pantau jadwal kunjungan dalam satu Aplikasi tanpa ribet.
Pembiayaan KPR melalui Pinhome
Simulasikan KPR rumah atau apartemen pilihanmu dan ketahui jumlah angsurannya secara detail di aplikasi Pinhome.
Bandingkan suku bunga antar bank hanya dengan melalui satu aplikasi. Pinhome sudah bekerja sama dengan lebih dari 20 lembaga pembiayaan terkemuka mulai dari Bank
Konvensional dan Syariah hingga Multifinance.
Konsultasi gratis mengenai KPR melalui Konsultan KPR Pinhome lebih cepat dan mudah di aplikasi jual beli properti Pinhome.
Pendampingan mulai dari pengajuan KPR hingga akad kredit untuk beli rumah online lebih aman, mudah dan cepat di Pinhome.
Nikmati promo cashback hingga 50% yang menguntungkan dengan mengajukan KPR di Pinhome.
Segera install dan daftar aplikasi Pinhome! Nikmati kenyamanan layanan jasa rumah tangga dan gaya hidup serta kemudahan pembelian properti hingga pengajuan KPR hanya dalam
satu aplikasi. ❤️

Invite friends to install & register the Pinhome application using your referral code, get a Pinhome Home Service voucher of up to 4
Professional Home & Lifestyle Services
Pinhome provides Pinhome Home Service to answer your needs for household and lifestyle services, which include home cleaning services, fogging disinfectant, massage, car
wash, washing and air conditioning repair.
Pinhome Home Service has a Customer Happiness Program which provides service guarantees, service insurance, and trained service partners.
Service Guarantee provides a re-service guarantee at no additional cost if the customer is not satisfied with the services provided by Pinhome Service Partners.
All Pinhome Home Service services are covered by insurance, and Customers will not be asked for additional fees. Get a replacement guarantee benefit of up to IDR
5,000,000/claim in the event of loss of goods, property damage or bodily injury due to services provided by Service Partners Pinhome Home Service at the time of work.
Pinhome Service Partners have gone through a selection process, background check, training, and certification with a minimum of 2 years of work experience.
The Select Service Partner feature allows customers to choose a Service Partner who has worked on the service before.
The payment methods for Pinhome's home service services vary from Virtual Accounts of all banks to Gopay.
Assistance in Property Search to Contracts
Pinhome helps app users to learn about property and understand the stages of searching to buying a home from start to finish with a property buying guide.
Providing more than hundreds of thousands of listings ranging from primary, secondary, to auctions from trusted developers and supported by experienced Pinhome Agents who
are ready to assist buying and selling properties online.
Enjoy free consultations anytime and anywhere with Property Consultants and Partner Agents through the Chat feature in the Pinhome application.
Schedule property surveys & monitor visit schedules in one application without any hassle.
Mortgage Financing through Pinhome
Simulate a home or apartment mortgage of your choice and find out the installment amount in detail in the Pinhome application.
Compare interest rates between banks through just one app. Pinhome has collaborated with more than 20 leading financial institutions ranging from Conventional and Islamic
Banks to Multifinance.
Free consultation on mortgages through the Pinhome KPR Consultant is faster and easier on the Pinhome property buying and selling application.
Assistance from applying for a mortgage to a credit agreement to buy a house online is safer, easier and faster at Pinhome.
Enjoy a cashback promo of up to 50% that is profitable by applying for a mortgage at Pinhome.
Immediately install and register the Pinhome application! Enjoy the convenience of household and lifestyle services as well as the convenience of buying property to
submitting a mortgage in just one application. ❤️

versões Antigas

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  • Nome do Aplicativo: Pinhome - Properti, KPR & Jasa
  • Categoria: Corporativo
  • Código App: id.pinhome.consumer
  • A versão mais: 1.13.0
  • Exigência: 4.4w ou superior
  • Tamanho : 10.91 MB
  • Atualizado: 2022-05-01