Language Crush - Language Learning Tools 25 [free]


The LanguageCrush Reading Tool
Our leading-edge reading tool keeps you moving without breaking your rhythm. Come across a word or phrase you don’t understand? No problem!
Stacked with features
Most pop-up dictionaries won’t give you definitions for phrases, don’t color code words that you’ve looked up before, and don’t keep statistics. Ours does all three.
Upload audio & import video
You can upload audio and import YouTube videos, too. (Sweet, right?)
104 languages
Oh, and it supports 104 languages, more than any other hosted reading tool available.
Write & Correct
Whether you want to become a better writer in your target language or just use writing as a way to bolster your skills, nothing beats corrections from a native
Practice your reading
Corrections from our dedicated community
Our free essay tool allows you to write whatever you want – essays, phrases, idioms – and get corrections from our dedicated community.
Our platform uses auto-tracking so corrections are consistent and clear.
Correct an essay
Better still: you can make someone’s day and correct an essay yourself!
Community Forum
Communicate with fellow learners and teachers across the globe. Our enthusiastic community keep our forum vibrant and interesting!
Share and get tips
Share experiences and methodologies, get tips and tricks for language acquisition, and play geeky language games.
Practice in any language in the “Other than English” forum or hang out with the crew in “Off topic.”
Some of us study languages for months without the opportunity to practice conversation. Our global community is anywhere you are – log on to converse in whatever language
you choose.
1-1 chat
1-on-1 language exchange in private rooms.
Language rooms
Group chats in language specific rooms.
Voice and text
Our tool supports both voice chat and text chat.
Qualified Teachers. Many Languages.
Want to have a regular conversation practice and need guidance? We have a team of approved teachers ready to help.
Easy search tool
Our search tool makes it easy to find the right fit: you can specify language, skills, times and dates, and rates.
Many Chocies
Many choices
LT teachers offer a range of options: from professional classes and packages to informal tutoring and conversation.
No risk trials
No risk trials
Some teachers also offer a trial lesson, which is a great way to take a test drive.

versões Antigas

Free Download Baixe por QR Code
  • Nome do Aplicativo: Language Crush - Language Learning Tools
  • Categoria: Educação
  • Código App: kbt.languagetools.language_tools_app
  • A versão mais: 25
  • Exigência: 7.0 ou superior
  • Tamanho : 52.32 MB
  • Atualizado: 2022-05-02