TV Online Romania 1.2.8 [free]


TV Online Romania permite vizionarea canalelor tv romanesti pe orice telefon / tableta / Android TV prin intermediul unei conexiuni Wireless sau 3G/4G.
De curand am lansat si cea mai rapida aplicatie radio, cu cel mai mic consum de resurse si extrem de usor de folosit (Radio FM - Radio Online Romania):
- Spatiul ocupat de aplicatie este foarte mic, de numai ~5MB
- Ghid complet despre cum sa faceti functionale canalele TV preferate
- Interfata rapida si intuitiva chiar si pe telefoane slabe
- Categorii bine definite ale canalelor
- Multiple surse pentru fiecare canal in parte
- Asigura redundanta in perioada in care o anumita sursa este cazuta pentru a nu rata programele favorite
- Pentru televizoarele cu Android TV aplicatia este foarte usor de folosit strict din telecomanda, nu este nevoie neaparat de o tastatura conectata la televizor.
- Scalabilitate perfecta cu telefoane si tablete de orice dimensiune
ATENTIE! Canalele nu sunt hostate pe un server propriu, astfel ca acestea pot deveni nefunctionale oricand, insa datorita multiplelor surse adaugate in aplicatie sansele
ca un post TV sa nu fie accesibil deloc sunt foarte mici.
Daca gasiti in alta parte un stream functional pentru vreunul dintre posturile TV care in aplicatie nu functioneaza la un anumit moment de timp, va rugam sa ne transmiteti
pe e-mail stream-ul functional sau unde l-ati gasit si il vom adauga alaturi de celelalte in aplicatie pentru a va fi mai usor si a le avea pe toate intr-un singur
Ne puteti scrie pe mail orice nemultumire sau nefunctionalitate legata de aplicatie si vom incerca sa o remediem cat mai rapid posibil. De asemenea, daca aveti sugestii de
posturi TV suplimentare, suntem deschisi sa le adaugam in aplicatie. Suntem deschisi la orice sugestie de imbunatatire a aplicatiei.
Pentru functionarea corespunzatoare a posturilor TV va rugam sa tineti cont de pasii initiali din aplicatie.

TV Online Romania lets you watch Romanian TV channels on any phone / tablet / Android TV via a wireless or 3G / 4G connection.
We have recently released the fastest radio application with the least amount of resources and extremely easy to use (Radio FM - Radio Online Romania): = rsignnetwork.apps.radiofmonline
- The application space is very small, only ~ 5MB
- Complete guide on how to make your favorite TV channels work
- Fast and intuitive interface even on weak phones
- Well defined channel categories
- Multiple sources for each channel
- Provides redundancy during the period when a particular source is dropped to avoid dropping your favorite programs
- For Android TV TVs, the app is very easy to use just from the remote, there is no need for a keyboard connected to the TV.
- Perfect scalability with phones and tablets of any size
CAREFUL! The channels are not hosted on their own server, so they may become inoperable anytime, but due to multiple sources added to the app, the chances of a TV station
not being accessible at all are very low.
If you find somewhere else a functional stream for any TV station that does not work in the application at any given time, please email us the live stream or where you
found it and add it with the others in the app to make it easier and have them all in one place.
You can email us any dissatisfaction or malfunction related to the application and we will try to fix it as quickly as possible. Also, if you have suggestions for
additional TV channels, we are open to add them to your app. We are open to any suggestion to improve the application.
For the proper operation of TV stations, please note the initial steps in the application.

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  • Nome do Aplicativo: TV Online Romania
  • Categoria: Entretenimento
  • Código App: rsignnetwork.apps.tvonlineromania
  • A versão mais: 1.2.8
  • Exigência: 4.1 ou superior
  • Tamanho : 4.26 MB
  • Atualizado: 2019-01-23