TV Online Romania IPTV 1.1.4 [free]


TV Online Romania IPTV va ofera posibilitatea sa vedeti toate canalele tv romanesti pe telefonul sau tableta voastra cu ajutorul unei conexiuni Wireless sau 3G/4G.
- Ofera mai multe surse disponibile pentru fiecare program
- Simplu de folosit
- Categorii in care regasiti toate canalele dorite
- Functioneaza perfect pe orice telefon sau tableta, indiferent de vechimea acestora
- Imediat ce apar surse nefunctionale le inlocuim cu unele noi si facem update aplicatiei
ATENTIE! Canalele nu sunt hostate pe un server propriu, astfel ca acestea pot deveni nefunctionale oricand, insa datorita surselor oferite pentru redundanta sansele ca un
program TV sa nu fie accesibil deloc sunt zero. Daca ne trimiteti un email cu sursele gasite de voi ca fiind nefunctionale, realizam verificari si update-uri de surse in
cel mai scurt timp.
Ne puteti scrie pe mail orice nemultumire sau nefunctionalitate legata de aplicatie si vom incerca sa o remediem in maxim 48h. De asemenea, daca aveti sugestii de posturi
TV suplimentare, suntem deschisi sa le adaugam in aplicatie. Suntem deschisi la orice sugestie de imbunatatire a aplicatiei.
Pentru functionarea corespunzatoare a posturilor TV va rugam sa tineti cont de instructiunile mentionate in prima pagina a aplicatiei.
DMCA Notice (Important):
This app does not own or host any content. We do not provide streaming content ourselves. This application is designed to facilitate users to easily find and access media
content over the Internet (publicly available). If you make use of this application you agree to respect the rights of the content owners. If not you should not download
and use this application.
It is our policy to respond to clear notices of alleged copyright infringement. If you are a copyright owner or an agent thereof, and you believe that any content in our
app infringes your copyrights, then contact us with details at: [email protected]

TV Online Romania IPTV gives you the opportunity to see all Romanian TV channels on your phone or tablet with a wireless or 3G / 4G connection.
- Provides several sources available for each program
- Simple to use
- Categories where you find all the channels you want
- Works perfectly on any phone or tablet, no matter what their age
- As soon as non-functional sources appear, we replace them with new ones and update the application
CAREFUL! The channels are not hosted on their own server, so they may become inoperable at any time, but because of the redundancy sources, the chances that a TV program
will not be accessible at all are zero. If you send us an email with the sources found by you to be inoperable, we will perform checks and updates of sources in the
shortest possible time.
You can email us any dissatisfaction or malfunction related to the application and we will try to fix it within 48h. Also, if you have suggestions for additional TV
channels, we are open to add them to your app. We are open to any suggestion to improve the application.
For the proper operation of the TV stations, please note the instructions on the front page of the application.
DMCA Notice:
This app does not own or host any content. We do not provide streaming content ourselves. This application is designed to help users easily find and access media content
over the Internet (publicly available). If you use this application, you agree to respect the rights of the content owners. If you do not want to download and use this
It is our policy to respond to clear notices of alleged copyright infringement. If you are a copyright owner or an agent thereof, and you believe that any content in our
app infringes your copyrights, then contact us with details at: [email protected]

versões Antigas

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  • Nome do Aplicativo: TV Online Romania IPTV
  • Categoria: Ferramentas
  • Código App: rsignnetwork.apps.tvonlineromaniaiptv
  • A versão mais: 1.1.4
  • Exigência: 4.1 ou superior
  • Tamanho : 4.76 MB
  • Atualizado: 2019-04-19