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The number one Vietnamese English Dictionary, very easy to use, you can use it offline. ♦ More than 180.000 words. ♦ You can use this dictionary witho

3.46 MB

This is English - Chinese (Traditional) and Chinese (Traditional) - English Dictionary (英漢(繁體中文)雙向字典), containing 111000 translation articles. The Dic

7.45 MB

DIC-o Slovak - English and English - Slovak off-line dictionary with pronunciations (100000 translations).

2.12 MB

DIC-o Italian - English and English - Italian off-line dictionary with pronunciations (41000 translations).

1.02 MB
Bible 1.1.84

This BibleQuote app will help you not only reflect on the Scripture but also to always have God’s Word in your pocket wherever you go. - Search the Bi

6.89 MB

Craft! is your very own companion in your Minecraft world! Want to get rid of Ads? Search for Craft! Pro in the Play Store Want an app with a nice UI

13.83 MB

Learn all common chords for the guitar (Acoustic and Electric) in every key, with up to 3 positions for each chord. Select a chord from the main menu

4.14 MB
Doa Harian 1.0.3

Applikasi ini menggunakan tulisan Arab untuk mengekalkan bacaannya dan terdapat terjemahan di dalam Bahasa Melayu. Doa adalah satu ibadah dan merupaka

1.42 MB

Frustrated with formatting? Struggling with mail merge? We can help! This GCF Word 2010 Tutorial app will guide you through the new features of Word 2

6.62 MB
Sky Map + 1.7.3

see http://www.n2yo.com/satellites/ for list of the new extra beta category. Sky Objects turns your Android-powered device into a window on the night

2.53 MB
Bible Videos 1.8.1

The Life of Jesus Christ Bible Videos will strengthen your faith in the Savior while you experience His ministry and understand His purpose through si

11.9 MB

Anatomy is subdivided into gross anatomy and microscopic anatomy. Gross anatomy (also called topographical anatomy, regional anatomy, or anthropotomy)

5.08 MB

The Holy Bible, King James Version, also known as King James Version Bible or KJV Bible in the 1611 original version and the 1769 Oxford edition. Both

6.7 MB

Are you ready to discover a whole new experience-level of playing? "iRedstone" contains many step-by-step instructions offering more than 1300 screens

41.38 MB

**** Top Quotes App****** Best Quotes and sayings is one of the top most apps available in Android market that contains unique, great and real quotes

4.5 MB

Это справочник - Russian Law Reference Сборник законов РФ (России, Российской Федерации), содержит следующие законы и кодексы РФ: Конституция Российск

7.49 MB

Shrimad Bhagwat Gita In Hindi The Bhagavad Gita, also referred to as Gita, is a 700–verse Dharmic scripture that is part of the ancient Sanskrit epic

1.08 MB

PLAY WITH AUDIO Complete Quran Choose from 22 reciters Al Quran Al Karim Hadith Nawawi Hisnul muslim 50 Rabbana Asma Allah housna Hajj Hadith Qudsi Si

5.57 MB
Live Bible 5.5.0

LiveBible supports the most modern translations for both online/offline viewing with audio Bible reader. Access to a wide library of audio and video p

3.63 MB

This widget provides a Bible verse of the day to uplift and encourage you. It offers customizable versions, background and text colors, variable text

30.41 KB