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Genix genix

iCognition's Genix transforms note-taking by applying Scandinavian design principles. iCognition lovingly creates “Designer Mindware”. We describe our

40.12 MB

️ # First Automatic Schedule Maker App #1 Best Schedule Maker App of 2022 #1 Best Day Planner App of 2022✅ Just add events or tasks and app will creat

5.76 MB
SPOT 0.1.0

QR Code Creator with a survey to identify current health status.

32.46 MB

Want to make friends from all over the world? Want to have a place to share interesting and meaningful things? Hochat is a online video chat applicati

97.5 MB

Torah lessons in audio / video The lessons are taken from sources such as "Bnei David" Meir Institute, Ramat Gan Yeshiva, Har Etzion Yeshiva, the West

8.98 MB
MyHotelTeam 2.9.4

The MyHotelTeam® mobile application provides on the go access to view current schedules, time cards, and time off requests. HOME PAGE Immediately see

26.25 MB

إذا كان لدى عائلتك أطفال مهتمون بالرسوم المتحركة او حتى انت، فإليك بعض المعلومات المفيدة لك. انمي سلاير هو تطبيق رائع، وهو تطبيق لمشاهدة الرسوم المتحر

8.15 MB

Mobile Work Manager is a facility management field service app. Built on the MCS IWMS platform, the mobile app enables technicians to efficiently mana

145.54 MB
StreeCam 1.0.8

1. Front-end solution & no guard attendant needed 2. True high definition 1080P for perfect footage capture 3. No IP setting 4. No port forwarding 5.

26.84 MB
Rice Recipes 61.0.0

Rice recipes free app brings you the collection of largest number of healthy rice recipes across the world. Rice recipes always contains a rich amount

9.38 MB

Trans is the world best transgender dating app to meet transgender and crossdresser. If you are interested in transgender and crossdresser, Trans is t

29.81 MB

Discover millions of funny WA stickers and use them in your chats-WAStickerApps We have a variety of stickers and sticker packs for you! Come and enj

30.3 MB
Uncover 1.5.2

Uncover is a new way to EXPLORE, DISCOVER & SHARE BOOKS. If you love bookish apps this one is for you. SEARCH NEW TITLES BY TAGS and themed collection

11.53 MB

Do you like to cook? Are you looking for step-wise recipes? Are you a home chef? Yes? Then Try Recipe is for you! Try Recipe is a recipe sharing commu

12.36 MB
ROB-Connect 1.10.6

Stay connected! The ROB-Connect app keeps you up to date on what your robot is up to. Access a fully functional map after the first exploration run th

22.42 MB

Emoji Maker is your own personal emoji and unique sticker making app. With Emoji Maker, you can design all the Emojis can you imagine. Make your own u

55.44 MB

Service Connect - the app for your instrument service needs. With the Service Connect app, Sartorius offers you an alternative to the traditional way

8.38 MB

Tata Motors Fleet Edge a next-generation connected vehicle solution that enables fleet management, with informed decision making. It offers real-time

42.16 MB

Find out how compatible are you and your partner with this mobile application! No matter if you just started a new relationship or if you've been dati

1.76 MB

익명성이 보장 됩니다. 빠르고 다이나믹하게 일대일 대화를 주고받길원하시는분 에게 추천합니다. 내가 좋아하는 취미로 이성친구만들기 채팅 어플입니다. 지역설정을 통해 친구사귀기 쉽습니다. 랜덤채팅 어플과 비슷한구조에 차별화된 시스템으로 솔로탈출을 해보세요. ---- 개발자

9.68 MB