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With this app you check in no time, your device has called. Root access features or not. This test is always useful when you have completed a Rootvorg

851.9 KB

Root Checker detect your smart phone has super permission access or not. Device root is a process of gaining all control access over device. By gettin

2.33 MB

This application gives you an easy way to know if you have SuperUser (or ROOT) One click is all you need to root your android devices.Right now its en

3.18 MB

This app will check to see if you have root access and busybox installed. It was developed using RootTools by Sterison under the Apache 2.0 license, R

1.76 MB

Lechebnik Lucky Pharma - Directory of commonly used homeopathic medicines for various acute diseases for which emergency assistance is most effective

1.04 MB

Many times users experience issues along the path of installing, configuring, and gaining root access. For some users the process can seem complex whi

2.51 MB

Easy Root Checker will show status of android root access in your phone. Verify proper root(administrator, superuser, or su) access is configured and

2.85 MB

Department of Infection Control, Kasturba Hospital, Manipal has developed this smartphone application for delivering antibiotic policy as a part of th

2.15 MB

«Лекарство и лактация» - единственное приложение, которое достоверно отвечает на вопросы, какие лекарства можно использовать в период лактации, а каки

7.4 MB

Приложение «Возрастные ограничения применения лекарств» предназначено для врачей, оказывающих медицинскую помощь детям и подросткам, для специалистов

7.11 MB

Pendant ta grossesse, découvre l'Odyssée de ton bébé en temps réel. Tu reçois chaque matin ton épisode quotidien pour tout savoir sur son évolution. B

4.8 MB
Pregnancy 1.0.4

4.26 MB
DVW Guide 1.0.6

Need help breeding that one slippery dragon? This Breeding Guide provides very detailed information of all dragons and how to breed each one of them!

12.73 MB

Источниками витаминов являются продукты питания растительного и животного происхождения, с которыми они и поступают внутрь. Образование некоторых из н

8.28 MB

!!! App Switch requires a rooted device !!! !!! Becareful when you disable system App, it may cause system crash !!! Features include: - Enable /disab

808.29 KB

Kid Console est la console d’administration du service de contrôle parental KidCool. Pratique et simple, Kid Console vous permet de gérer instantanéme

29.7 KB

Step 1: Invite your family memebers to install this application together with you. Step 2: Click "+" button to add new family member from contact list

85.18 KB

تعرف على فوائد وحاجتك للفيتامينات الآن دليل شامل لجميع انواع الفيتامينات بالإضافة للفيتامينات المفيدة والمهمة كذلك لإحتياجات الإنسان اليومية وبالتحديد

2.51 MB

It's not only a app, its source of your well being, we are with you as like this app which builds your health with lot of information about vitamins a

13.96 MB

Die App ist in drei übergeordnete Teile gegliedert. Auf der der Startseite kann auf eine Auflistung und Beschreibung der Mengen- und Spurenelementen z

42.1 MB