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CALIOPE provides 24-hour Air Quality forecast over Spain for the main air pollutants: ozone (O3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2) and par

5.49 MB

This application gives the level of WIFI pollution around you. Looking for the most polluting sources, you can identify the sanest locations in your a

2.69 MB

How to Draw Anime When you use this How to Draw Anime app you'll see a draw that is easy and fun in How to Draw Anime app available to everyone. * tea

4.46 MB
Plum Market pm.

The Plum Market app is the easiest way to access to your My Rewards Coupons, Drive Up & Delivery, and Mobile Ordering For Coffee and Prepared Foods. Y

15.42 MB

The AIRNow Android application will provide an increasingly mobile public with real-time air quality information that people can use to protect their

140.77 KB

Air Quality Index Near Me Air Quality Index Near Me uses your GPS location to determine the levels of air pollution at the closest available air qual

2.53 MB
Pollution 2.0

Air pollution of delhi is rising to dangerous level. This app will help find our air pollution and quality index of delhi and other major cities. Plea

2.7 MB

Drawing to ComBat Drawing to MK KomBat is free app, This app for kids. Lessons and step by step draw cute little fairy. Drawing to MK KomBat very easy

14.09 MB

Provide mobile screen color display and flash illumination modes. Screen color and brightness adjustment is simple and easy to operate. Easy operation

1.88 MB

●あなたのスマホが面接会場、登録カンタン、即お仕事ゲット! ●いつでもどこでも面接が受けられる、アルバイト求人アプリ登場! ●オンラインで即面接・即内定!魅力的なバイトの求人が盛りだくさん 【即ジョブとは?】 日本初のアルバイト採用に特化したオンライン面接プラットフォームアプリです。 いつでも、どこ

49.3 MB

■ブレイブとは? ブレイブの介護士・看護助手の人材派遣・転職の求人検索アプリになります。 介護ヘルパー・介護福祉士・病院の看護助手・ケアマネージャーなど 介護に関する人材派遣・転職の求人が検索できます。 日々更新される最新の求人情報から 有料老人ホーム、特養、老健、グループホーム、デイサービスなど、

2.09 MB
Diary 1.0

This Diary app can be used by anyone, It allows users an easy way to keep there daily info inside the diary and then later view it

1.47 MB

基本的には至ってシンプルな日記アプリです! それに以下のような機能を付けてみました![ワンタップ機能でスマホから素早く記録しよう] いつも書き込む単語はラベルを用意しておいてタップするだけで時刻と一緒に記録できます! 今いる場所もワンタップで記録可能! 地図とマーカーでいつどこにいたかも即時で表示!

1.86 MB

Have you ever seen three/five/ten years diary in bookstores? On 100 years diary ICCO, you can see at the same time multi-year diary of the same month

4.7 MB

Some of the users experince problem of "bad file". To fix that you will need to install the pdf viewer - Adobe Acrobat. Afterwards - clean the default

20.23 MB
Minyanim 1.2

Find nearby Minyanim around the world Get shabbat candle light times See coming up holidays

2.16 MB
Minyan Maven 1.2.0

Minyan Maven provides up-to-date details of the various minyanim in Melbourne, Australia and Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel. Note: this application requir

9.98 MB

Ramazan (Ramadan) Special Recipes collection for Iftaar and Sahr also for the Eid after Ramadan, it cover all special food recipies that we need for I

4.06 MB

5.45 MB

If you clicked here, you may have recently suffered the unfortunate loss of a family member. Or you may be marking a Yahrtzeit, the anniversary of you

24.37 MB