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The app allow you to search chemistry terms and see the definition for the same. Chemistry Dictionary, learn and consult terms of chemistry. Lern Chem

9.43 MB

Pizza Lepizza - это не просто пиццерия, это стиль жизни! Мы позиционируем свое предприятие, как удар по серым будням и плохому настроению! Удивительно

3.7 MB
5Food 1.2.2

Foodie Mobile App from Startup Weekend Kids 2016 Poznań THIS IS A DEMO MVP APP Team members: Bartosz Kosarzycki - Mobile Franciszek Jan Sokołowski - P

5.65 MB

9.46 MB

O Aplicativo Autismo Projeto Integrar tem o objetivo de auxiliar pessoas com Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) na organização de suas Atividades da

13.14 MB

* 이 어플리케이션은 bbb 봉사자를 위한 전용 어플리케이션입니다. bbb 통역 요청을 원하시면 'bbb 통역' 앱을 다운로드받아 이용해주십시오. * 비비비(BBB)코리아는 문화체육관광부 등록 비영리 사단법인으로 총 19개 외국어에 능통한 4,500여 명의 지식인 자원

1.11 MB

Открывая инфу ЛЮБОЙ доставки или кафе натыкаешься на идентичные описания. Вам не надоело читать про псевдоЯПОНСКОЕ качество и традиции??? Все давно УЖ

3.77 MB

Kannada online FM Player is a simple and fully featured Kannada Radios App has a collection of more Kannada Radios. Listen your favorite radio station

4.29 MB

LAST MINUTE: Para repasar y estudiar a última hora o los últimos días - Exámenes de 2014 (otros años era otro temario) - Preguntas sueltas recopiladas

3.99 MB

This app empowers you to use dijkstra algorithm. Create nodes and edges between them. Give the edges weight and select a start node. Now find out the

1.39 MB
Scudd PSA 1.0

This app is developed to determine the unconstrained minimum of a function of several variables without calculating their derivatives. The app is deri

2.56 MB

Easy biscuit recipe are so natural to make, and on the off chance that you take after a couple of basic guidelines, they will dependably turn out feat

22.96 MB

Soups it is consider as a royal item to drink . Making soups is rare thing in the home . But by using our Soup recipes app means it is really easy and

3.65 MB

Banana Bread Sweet Recipes free app brings you the collection of best recipes across the world. This luscious collection of Banana Bread Sweet Recipes

6.17 MB

www.herbalkilokontrolum.com Olarak Herbalife Ürünlerini Türkiyenin her yerine hizmet veriyoruz. Sitemizde bulunan ürünlerin hepsi orijinal Herbalife ü

8.14 MB
TransportsOP 1.5.0

Application to perform calculations for transportation problems (operations research), using: least cost method, vogel, northwest corner, and stepping

2.1 MB

Linear Programming (LP) is a mathematical modelling technique useful for allocation of limited resources such as material, machines etc to several com

2.46 MB

Aplicativo para ditar as principais regras de segurança do trabalho. Desenvolvido pelo grupo João, Larissia, Flavia e Bruno da turma TI07T-3/2015 do c

4.46 MB

Faça seu pedido do melhor lanche de Juiz de Fora e região. Com o aplicativo Digão Lanches você faz seu pedido no restaurante Digão sem necessidade de

18.46 MB
Galetus 8.22

Faça seu pedido da melhor comida de Recife. Com o aplicativo Galetus você faz seu pedido sem necessidade de fazer ligações.

18.43 MB