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EN: In this app will be published activities and event, in a particular calendar, about the Astronomical Tourism , also called Astroturism. The purpos

15.69 MB
TrinityBail 1.0.1

Trinity Bail Bonds offers nationwide bail bond services. Our bail bond mobile app is a convenient way for customers to reach our office, send us a mes

14.42 MB
Franguage 1.2

MY LANGUAGE + YOUR LANGUAGE = OUR FRIENDSHIP! 외국인과의 회화에 관심있는 대학생 여러분! 그리고 한국어에 관심이 많은 교환학생 여러분! 모두모두 환영합니다. \^0^/ 생소하고, 어렵고, 직접 친해질 수 조차 없는 지금까지의 언어교환

4.36 MB

Fluent Land is an online community for learning foreign languages. You can learn English and foreign languages for free; practice your speaking, liste

9.51 MB
1:1 Speaking v1.03

Learn and practice languages for free. The best way to learn a language is to speak with other speakers. We'll match you with partners in our global c

4.46 MB
Vivalanga 1.0

The best way to learn a language is to speak it, but it’s even better when it’s fun! With Vivalanga’s geolocation and matching system, you can practic

2.67 MB

Find a partner for a language tandem. Either in Stuttgart/Germany or online. Additionally, please find a lot of learning material ready for free downl

2.67 MB

Vuoi andare a sciare nella raffinata cornice di Courmayeur? Preferisci le piste di La Thuile? Oppure sei in ufficio e vuoi soltanto controllare le Web

4.54 MB

Holen Sie das einzigartige AIDA Urlaubsfeeling auf Ihr Android Tablet. Verfolgen Sie AIDA Kreuzfahrten in Echtzeit - mit Live-Nachrichten von Bord, ak

78.52 MB

This app is a mobile version of True Value Retail Workbench which is available on Members online. To fully utilize the True Value Retail workbench app

3.53 MB
쌔주소 3.5.0

쌔주소 (새주소/도로명주소/지번/주소/우편번호/새우편번호/영문주소/검색/찾기) 새주소 도로명주소, 지번주소 우편번호, 새우편번호, 건물명 검색 도로명주소, 지번주소,우편번호,새우편번호,건물이름 검색이 가능합니다. 즐겨찾기를 통해 원하는주소를 따로저장하여 사용할수 있습니

4.19 MB

저희 고고렌트카는 서울특별시 마포구 대흥동에 위치하고 있으며 나이/운전경력 상관없이 운전면허증만 있으시면 누구나 렌트가 가능합니다. 고고렌트카게어 대여하는 모든 차종은 자동차 종합보험(대인, 대물, 자손)에 가입되어 있으므로 만일에 있을 사고로부터 고객분들을 최대한 보

3.91 MB

This token board is a teaching tool for behavior development and modification commonly used in ABA. Great for young children as well as kids on the au

2.18 MB

الكثير منكم يواجه مشاكل في تعلم اللغة الايطالية بدون انترنت فمن خلال هدا التطبيق ستتمكن من تعلم الايطالية من الصفر حتى الاحتراف من خلال تعلم مجموعة من

2.96 MB
RideFlag 3.8.0

RideFlag - Carpool on demand. RideFlag is the application that facilitates carpooling efficiency. RideFlag is an innovative application that facilitat

16.21 MB
HitchKey 5.3

From the creators of Fastbook Pro (published as the lightest and fastest Facebook app by Tek Syndicate) - comes another light-weight ride sharing revo

1.85 MB
Blyb 1.16

Blyb offers an innovative solution to our daily commute problems by facilitating peer-to-peer dynamic ride sharing. The app helps connect people to fo

5.34 MB
IslamiIm 1.1.0

IslamiIm është aplikacion I cili perbëhet prej disa funksioneve të cilat kan për qëllim mësimin dhe shpërndarjen e dituris fetare tek të tjerët. Falja

16.13 MB

تمكن علماء الدين والسنة من إثبات أن راحة الإنسان تأتي بحفظ القرآن وترديده، كما انهم تمكنوا من تأكيد ذلك بالأدلة والبراهين بصورة تجعل الإنسان الملحد يل

3.89 MB

تحفيظ القرآن للأطفال بصوت 2017 تحفيظ القرآن للأطفال بالصوت و الصورة و بدون نت جزء عم هو برنامج لتحفيظ الأطفال القرآن عن طريق الإستماع لقراءة الشيوخ ال

37.33 MB