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RCO De Salon 1.52.0

Bundeling is an exclusive networking tool that Business clubs and Business networks can use to their advantage. Bundeling brings members closer togeth

25.46 MB

Phần mềm Employee App phục vụ cho các hoạt động nội bộ trong công ty. Bao gồm các tính năng: - Chấm công - Bảo trì - Kiểm kê - Báo cáo - QAQC - POG -

49.16 MB

Release Version 1.3.0: 1. Pengguna dapat melihat riwayat pick up dan drop off

5.99 MB

La nuova carta inCooperazione è una rivoluzione. Portala sempre con te grazie all’app inCooperazione. Rivoluziona il rapporto tra socio e cooperativa,

4.37 MB

Gig work flexibility with W2 benefits - swipejobs puts the control in your hands! With swipejobs you can connect directly with businesses in your area

24.03 MB

Food Bell Restaurant App is for restaurants to manage their online orders from Food Bell platform. Also they can add or edit food items, discounts, vi

6.34 MB

132. училище е основано на 1 септември 1957 г. като основно. Учебните занятия започват на 16 септември. При откриването си то има за свой патрон Димит

30.97 MB
Eventsolver 5.78.5

Performance Improvements

51.04 MB

「1HR人資管理系統」員工差勤管理的最佳幫手! ※手機打卡最彈性 支援GPS、WIFI、藍芽等打卡方式,滿足不同班別、不同職務需求。 ※出勤紀錄最完整 智慧多段班出勤判斷,出勤異常還會有紅字提示。 ※線上申請最方便 請假、補卡隨時送單,再也不會被人資追著跑。 ※線上簽核最省事 再多的申請單,批次簽核

5.29 MB

Smart Pedidos é o melhor sistema para agilizar suas vendas, funciona na web e no aplicativo. É ideal para distribuidoras, representantes e indústrias.

29.76 MB

دريم فور نت لتكنولوجيا المعلومات دريم فور نت نابلس بيع جميع مستلزمات الكمبيوتر والتوصيل لجميع محافظات الضفة الغربية والقدس Dream 4 Net for Informati

13.05 MB
ТН АЗС 3.2.440.10

Мобильное приложение предназначенное для увеличения привлекательности и привлечения новых клиентов к продукции и сервисам АЗС «Туймаада-нефть», продви

26.64 MB
MyOffice GI 1.0.8

MyOffice GI is a mobile business application connected to Global Salesforce for Brazil Demand Generation tracking and execution. The application targe

29.1 MB

WORKID is a global social media platform for all works/businesses which connects you with millions of Manufacturers/Entrepreneurs/Contractors/Service

19.28 MB

Sunmi Android Druckerservice Sunmi Android printer service

2.94 MB

Contact Mapping is a relationship building tool that will transform your business and personal relationships. We make it simple and rewarding for you

36.77 MB

Sign into your work resources simply and securely with the JumpCloud Protect (™) mobile application. JumpCloud Protect enables multi-factor authentica

64.22 MB

A cloud-based platform to connect healthcare community, integrate and automate their workflows. The app will help practitioners to connect, manage the

33.65 MB

is the fastest growing online shop in Cambodia that has been well known for its focus on quality product and business integrity. We provide free deliv

9.24 MB
SMVN 48.0

Các quản lý thực hiện các công việc và nhiệm vụ. The execution management tasks and duties.

15.64 MB