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Anda sedang mencari tabel statistik? Anda tidak tersesat dan menemukan aplikasi yang tepat. Semua tabel statistik ada dalam satu aplikasi ini. Ada tab

5.41 MB
Estatistica 2.0.0

Alimentando as colunas li, Li e fi; o app irá gerar a tabela de estatística das seguintes colunas: fac pmi; fri%; facR% pmi.fi; |pmi-x|; |pmi-x|.fi; (

2.29 MB
Statistik 2.2.2

Statistik auxilia gratuitamente ao realizar cálculos estatísticos, como: -Medidas de tendência central, medidas de dispersão, distribuição de frequênc

2.51 MB

El Educador es un recurso didáctico en forma de aplicación que se propone como un espacio de curación de contenidos educativos dispersos en la web. Or

9.91 MB

The CTI Statistics is an application whose main objective is to assist students in performing statistical calculations. The application has the follow

2.9 MB

Se es un docente que xa utiliza de Prográmame-UDIS de recursoseducativos.net, agora poderás ter acceso en todo modo momento ó que alí prepares e plani

6.6 MB
Moja šola 1.3.17

Moja šola (powered by eAsistent) Moja šola je vaša rešitev za elektronsko sodelovanje s šolo, ki uporablja šolski informacijski sistem eAsistent, in j

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Grow, Learn & Ascend with XLNCXLNC Academy trains and certifies in 48+ e-learning courses, all of which are dually accredited by the International Ass

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ARgo+ 1.0.2

Argo+ è la piattaforma tecnologica di realtà aumentata ideata per trasformare i nostri corsi in un’esperienza indimenticabile. Il punto di forza di Ar

20.4 MB
TinPoint 1.0.4

Encourages good behavior of children, score points for their good deeds or extraordinary activities, assigns different prizes such as sweets, treats,

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Kidzaward 1.0

KidzAward is a great new tool for parents to teach family rules and good behaviour to their children in a fun and playful way. Rewarding your children

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Apti Mentors 1.2.orihime

H R Mentors is a training institute in Nagpur which specializes in training MBA aspirants in India for competitive entrance exams including CAT, XAT,

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Aula Mentor 0.9.3

Descubre los cursos que Aula Mentor tiene para ti. Aula Mentor es una iniciativa de formación abierta, flexible y a través de Internet dirigida a pers

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DeepTalks 1.0.5

...because psychology has the answer to every question! DeepTalks is a series of psychological talks and discussions in Hindi by Deep Trivedi, renowne

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Healing Crystals is dedicated to "Promoting education and the use of crystals to support healing.” Healing Crystals supports the Foundation for Balanc

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Aura Edu 0.0.1

Career Oriented : Our most of the courses are career oriented. so you can learn basics and get started for your career. Besides that there are many co

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In today's day and age, having solid English skills is a must. It's becoming the language of the world and all of us gotta keep up. But if you've been

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3.05 MB

Tony Robbins (born Anthony J. Mahavoric; February 29, 1960) is an American businessman, author, and philanthropist. Tony Robbins is an entrepreneur,

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रोजमर्रा के चीजों को अंग्रेजी में बोलना सीखें Learn English with English Vinglish, is a mobile app on Android platform, that has helped millions of pe

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