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About App: The art and science of asking questions is the source of all knowledge. Make’n’Take Quiz app helps you to create a quiz with your own quest

3.03 MB
Quiz 1.0

Parents and teachers have to use this app to create quiz while students can download take quiz in order to tackle it

5.65 MB

"FSI-Forensic Science India" is the only app which contains all the information about Forensic Science in India such as State Forensic Science Labs, C

18.07 MB

Learn about forensic DNA testing, the history, how it is done, and how it is used to solve crimes. Also contain useful information on how to become a

9.93 MB

Draw Easy Pictures is an easy to use app that turns you into a confident graphic artist. It allows you to create sketches on a whiteboard or on a flip

8.01 MB

Knowing these Universal Laws and the Law of Attraction, and learning how to use these Laws is fundamental to changing the circumstances of your life s

2.05 MB

Learning abacus makes you understand the concept of numbers and improves your mental arithmetic skills and basic arithmetic ability in a short period

3.93 MB
Traffic 1.1.0

This App contains all Traffic signal. This application is the best way to improve your knowledge of Traffic signal . This app is perfect for lower, in

3.38 MB

وهي الاشارات 1.الالزامية 2.التحذيرية 3.الارشادية و تحتوى على اختبارات

4.98 MB

Türkiye Genelinde Öğretmen ve Öğrencileri tek bir platformda toplayarak; YGS-LYS,Kpss Önlisans/Ortaöğretim,KPSS Lisans,YDS,TUS,DUS Sınavlarının tamamı

29.74 MB

For those of you who want to learn Classroom Management and want to find the right tutorial. You should try this app. Inside Learn Classroom Managemen

3.66 MB

The inspirational and creative classrooms of course inspire students to learn. Classrooms with a variety of unique objects in it will make the atmosph

6.17 MB

TAXATION IS THEFT! The Libertarian Reeducation Camp app only has ONE button. It only does one thing, and it does it really well. It provides a near-en

2.82 MB

Meritnation, India’s leading online education website in the K-12 sector, brings to you the first ever Periodic Table Virtual Reality App. Periodic Ta

31.97 MB

This app makes finding students guided reading levels easy. This calculation app will work with any book, from any publisher. If your goal is to find

6.53 MB
Classroom 3.1

Nexgin Classroom is a smart learning app for education dedicated to DIGITAL INDIA. This is managed and maintained by Nexgin Foundation. Every student

14.81 MB
Flipped 1.2.1

The HKTE Flipped Classroom App is to enhance student learning: - Preview lesson content before class - Apply quick quiz - Convenient for review

6.24 MB

My Classroom provides educational content in video format. The app is designed to provide syllabus wise video content for class 8th to 12th for all su

1.25 MB

تعلم اللغة الانجليزية بسهولة بدون انترنت خطوة بخطوة هو تطبيق رائع وشامل سيساعدك على تعلم و احتراف و اكتساب اللغة الانجليزية باللكنة البريطانية و اللكن

49.1 MB

United International School Mobile App provides Institutions a communication & Learning platform among their students, teachers, parents and managemen

12.5 MB