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Showroom 2012

LG Showroom is the easiest way to find your next LG TV. The application uses your phone's camera to create an augmented reality environment. Choose th

5.55 MB

The app contains pictures with instructions on easy, practical, modern and current hairstyles for celebrations and for every day. You can see detailed

13.62 MB
Proverbes 5.0

Les beaux proverbes : Une application gratuite qui contient une liste des meilleures proverbes classées par catégorie. Retrouvez les plus beaux prover

2.8 MB

Applicazione per la registrazione di EVP (voci metafoniche), con l'aggiunta della scansione tramite sensori EMF. L'applicazione usa i sensori del tuo

18.34 MB

Live HD Video Projector is a Simulator prank and fun app for making your friends and family members prank and make an entertainment and fun to watch H

7.82 MB

Video Call Santa! Voice Call Santa! Message Santa! Track Santa! The only Santa Video Call app with varied and customisable conversation options! Santa

25.7 MB

قل تكون من الذين يقال لهم أن عقلهم أكبر من سنهم وأنهم يتصرفون بشكل أكثر رزانة وعقلانية، ربما العكس أيضا هذا التطبيق يخول لك إمكانية القيام باختبار الع

2.7 MB

It is a suitable guideline app for the COC player to choose their bases. Like as ★ Farming- To preserve the storage from unwanted attack. ★ Hybrid- To

3.89 MB

Here’s the best app of fathers day quotes that will help you to say “congratulations” to your dad on this special day. This app offers tons of father'

13.76 MB

We offer you the best app for mother’s day that will help you say “congratulations” to your mother in this special day. This app will offer you tons o

14.28 MB
atv a+ 1.2.9

Artık televizyon izlerken cep telefonunuzdan favori kanalınızla etkileşime geçebileceksiniz. Ekranda kaçırdıklarınız ve daha ötesi , yeni ikinci ekran

6.32 MB

Moral stories is a collection of short moral stories with wonderful pics. In this app, to experience the bliss of innocence, love, adventure and many

20.41 MB

Create Amazing Custom Animations Quickly! With Crayola Easy Animator, you can easily create custom animated videos using your own character designs! U

30.63 MB

Join Talking Angela in Paris, the city of love and style! Wow her and treat her like a princess because let’s face it, she IS a princess. Chat with he

52.38 MB

أسهل وصفات الكــــيك هو تطبيق مجاني و متجدد (بدون انترنيت) يحتوي على مجموعة كبيرة من الوصفات المجربة لكل سيدة تحلم بعمل الذ كــــيك. مميزات تطبيق أسهل

8.93 MB

Virtual Ice Cube is an fun app. How to play: Shaking your phone to let the ice cubes hitting the glass. Tilt your phone lightly and pour it all the wa

11.81 MB

You want to send an inbox proverb s love seduction / love proverb / love message / shayary love your wife darling your husband, sms d love 2018, expre

3.19 MB
Showroom 2013

LG Showroom 2013 is the easiest way to find your next LG TV. The application uses your phone's camera to create an augmented reality environment. Choo

8.36 MB

Guide For Fifa 2017 : This is a guide to the game FIFA 17 new games in 2017. With the new guide for FIFA 17 for Android, which consists of a few tips

2.26 MB

✔ Поздравления c днем рождения! ✔ Поздравления на Пасху! ✔ Поздравления с юбилеем! ✔ Поздравления со свадьбой! ✔ СМС поздравления ✔ Поздравления к люб

19.3 MB