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My Fortune Cookie Jar gives you a random fortune from an actual fortune cookie that was acquired at an authentic Asian restaurant! Over the past 20 ye

1.26 MB

This is basically a glorified calculator for the great game, Time Of Soccer. As you add or move around players and coaches, the app will update the te

1.49 MB

全新的界面,人性化的功能,有着更好的用户体验和稳定性, 1、【避开地雷】 还在为踩到地雷而烦恼吗?设置雷值,轻松避开! 2、【防封号规则库】 独创的防封号规则库,有效避开各种封堵、拦截。 3、【自动抢红包】 开启自动抢红包服务,将严密监控红包消息,妈妈再也不担心你抢不到红包了。 4、【加速抢红包】

3.5 MB

Este APP, foi elaborado para os fãs e ouvintes da Rádio Metropolitana Belém. Deixe um comentário para melhorias do APP.

2.76 MB

"Stamp Maker" クリエーターズスタンプが簡単に無料で作成できる。 スタンプを製作して販売しよう! スタンプの元となる画像(画像データまたは絵)があれば、 複数のアプリを用意しなくても、このアプリだけで製作できる! 操作手順 1.プロジェクト作成 2.ギャラリーやカメラから画像を取り込み

2.38 MB

Tips and Tricks for playing Kamen Rider RyukiNew Guide for playing Kamen Rider RyukiYou'll be a winner !

4.21 MB
나도 꽃 1.0.3

MBC 수목 미니시리즈 ‘나도,꽃’의 모든 것을 볼 수 있는 어플리케이션! 이지아, 윤시윤, 조민기, 한고은, 서효림, 이기광 외 출연! 심통쟁이 여순경과 두 얼굴의 언더커버보스의 로맨스를 그린 상큼발랄 드라마입니다 ■ 주요 기능 ■ - On Air : 고화질로 실시간

3.85 MB
MBC App 1.0

MBC App is a free mobile application that delivers content that reflects the culture and lifestyle of Aboriginal people in Saskatchewan. The purpose o

25.33 MB
Jo Baka 1.0

This is the app by which you can generate your own "Jo Baka" text. You will be provided with ready made images, you just have to write your own words

4.61 MB
Jobaka 1.0

Create your own images with the Jo baka gujarati meme generator. Jo Baka app lets you make memes with your own custom captions.... So, Let the fun beg

2.75 MB
Surya Jo Ads 1.0.1

Surya is a film actor, film producer and television presenter, who is currently working in South Indian film industry. He has acted in many films in v

1.02 MB

"Jo Baka Jo" is a fun way to create and share Jo Baka / Jo Bakudi / Jo Bhura / Jo Bapu / Jo Lala / Oye Teni stickers on the fly with your own custom m

4.86 MB
HJ FPV 1.0

Features of product: Smart phone control FPV Alloy Hexacopter 1) High capacity battery and strong power motor enable the Hexacopter to fly much longer

12.5 MB

The APP has four-axis aircraft flight control and browse hung on four axis aircraft camera module in real-time video streaming capabilities return. Su

8.52 MB
RC Racers 1.0

Drive powerful nitro RC car and fix the vehicles and add extra parts to build best rc car ever made. Kids of all ages really appreciate remote control

98.47 MB
cx-32wifi 1.4

This APP function: 1.Remote control the four axis aircraft by mobile. 2.Display the real-time video which taken by the camera on the aircraft,video da

6.54 MB

This APP function: 1.Remote control the four axis aircraft by mobile. 2.Display the real-time video which taken by the camera on the aircraft,video da

10.3 MB

「Hey! Say! JUMP(平成ジャンプ)」のクイズアプリが登場! Hey! Say! JUMP(へいせいジャンプ)は Hey! Say! 7(へいせいセブン) 山田涼介(やまだ りょうすけ) 知念侑李(ちねん ゆうり) 中島裕翔(なかじま ゆうと) 岡本圭人(おかもと けいと) Hey! Sa

20.42 MB

Create JO BAKA and additionally JO BAKUDI Memes with customisable Title and the Tag Line with different Images. Jo Jiga , Jo Bhura/Bhuri - Khotu na la

3.71 MB
歡樂神控 1.1.0

God joy Control App available to buy [user] joy carry go Jinsang company jukebox (hardware devices). The user can operate through this App] [joy carry

11.91 MB