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Do you like chess? Now you can view your favorite chess games in a single application. All you need is our Chesser application and an internet connect

1.54 MB
樂聲影城 3.1.1

台北市西區最新、最強影城:樂聲影城 LUX CINEMA,現在推出最便利的官方 app! 用「樂聲影城」立即掌握現正熱映&即將上映的熱門電影資訊,體驗快速直覺的訂票服務! 現在就用「樂聲影城」快速訂票,到樂聲影城特大廳享受空前透亮大銀幕! 「樂聲影城」獨門特色: │直覺界面:直覺式操作界面,快速點閱

7.09 MB
Ghost 1.39

Ghosts & Spirits analyzes the readings of several sensors. The complete equipment includes: - Magnetophone: converts the sensor readings into sounds -

7.07 MB

AndrTarotFly is an informal Tarot application. The TarotFly works with two databases: The standard database (coming with the application ) and the use

479.46 KB

Check if your boyfriend / girlfriend is a perfect match for you. Calculate the percentage and test your love. Enter your names and check what is the c

17.73 MB

This app provides many reports and charts to help you understand your birth chart. It works different to basic astrology where you just take in consid

28.59 MB

«Первый» – официальное приложение Первого канала для Android TV. Пропустил любимую передачу? Открой приложение и посмотри полные выпуски и лучшие моме

10.92 MB

Emmenez Gulli Replay partout avec vous ! Avec Gulli Replay, accédez facilement à la chaîne en direct, profitez du meilleur des programmes, des contenu

22.93 MB
BCP Player 1.9.185

As a companion application to our original Tournament Organizer App, The Best Coast Pairings Player App continues to deliver on our mission making com

9.78 MB

RL Trading Post is the best fan-made mobile application for finding traders in Rocket League! Browsing, submitting, and searching for trades couldn't

21.14 MB
Flimmit 2.0.4

Das musst Du sehen! Flimmit ist Deine Online-Videothek mit Film- und TV-Highlights aus Österreich und Europa. Im Fokus: Kino Made in Austria, Österrei

13.57 MB

This Christmas, amaze your children by requesting a free personalised phone call from Santa Claus! Parents, use this app together with your children t

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Welcome to the new blue Cinema app! The KITAG CINEMAS app is now called blue Cinema. Buy cinema tickets and reserve your favourite seats. With cinema

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Mit der Radio Tirol hast du deinen Lieblings-Radiosender immer und überall mit dabei. Du kannst das aktuelle Radioprogramm hören, siehst wer gerade mo

15.53 MB

- Pick your lucky numbers easily - Save your favourite numbers and check it automatically! - Shake for Lucky Numbers - Full stats of the last 30 draws

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If you are bored, try our app, which will find you a companion. This app will give you lot of fun. Time flies too fast, and you will not always have t

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‘CAT ALONE 2’ is a sequel to cat toy application ‘CAT ALONE’ with 6 unique stages. This will be fascinating to not only pets with experience of ‘CAT A

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Сборник только самых лучших статусов и цитат о любви и отношениях. Любой понравившейся статус Вы можете либо просто скопировать в буфер телефона или р

17.87 MB
SF Cinema

Application for a movie lover like you, whether booking or reserving a ticket, you can do it in just a few seconds. With a secure payment system, you

14.2 MB

NRJ12 dès que vous le souhaitez, où que vous soyez... (en France métropolitaine) Téléchargez gratuitement l'appli NRJ12 et vous pourrez : - Suivre en

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