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ChildChart 1.0.3

App for pediatric and parental This app allow you to record and generate charts showing World Health Organization's (WHO's) child growth standards.. A

2.51 MB
CitraFleet 1.0.2

Aplikacja mobilna CitraFleet została stworzona dla pacjentów przygotowujących się do kolonoskopii z preparatem CitraFleet. Jej celem jest wsparcie pac

5.34 MB
M-JALI 1.5.2

Mobile-Jamii Afya Link for Information (m-JALI) is a solution aimed at improving accuracy, timeliness and completeness of reporting for Community Heal

5.25 MB


4.14 MB
Fry Ortho 1.0.1

Fry Orthodontic Specialists has helped over 30,000 patients in the Kansas City area feel better, look better, and live better by helping them achieve

7.35 MB
Jump Ball 1.0

Tap, tap and keep it up in ball game. This is a fun and addictive keepy-uppy soccer game. Super easy control, just tap on the ball to kick it up! Enjo

22.69 MB

On behalf of All India Difficult Airway Association, it is our pleasure and honour to invite you to NAC 2016, Nation Airway Conference. The largest ev

4.25 MB

The annual Congress is the pinnacle highlight of the Society’s annual activity and, over its years of continued growth, has become the largest retina

9.19 MB

What is it? The Emergency Department Screener is based on the Assessment Urgency Algorithm embedded in the interRAI Contact Assessment Emergency Depar

2.25 MB

Mental Health Counseling force platform (HYM: Heal Your Mind) Mental Health Counseling force platform (HYM: Heal Your Mind) offers help to treat and m

1.69 MB
X-Ercise BETA 0.3.11

X-Ercise is your new workout companion that will make the best out of you! X-Ercise is an excelent app for your gym workout, route tracking, cardio se

6.05 MB

Auch in diesem Jahr gibt es wieder eine Kongress-App für Android. Kongressbesucher, die bereits im letzten Jahr die Kongress-App genutzt haben, können

6.62 MB

本アプリは2016年(第68回)~2006年(第58回)診療放射線技師国家試験の過去問をもとに構成された試験対策アプリです。 medixtouchシリーズはリリースしてから、android&iOSあわせて35万インストールを超えました。 アプリの機能は無駄をなくして、解答をすぐ始めたい利用者から、自

21.35 MB

CareSmartz360 is a cloud-based, HIPAA compliant Private Duty Home Care Software Solution developed by technology experts in collaboration with Home Ca

6.4 MB

Suffers a lot of men and some women from the problem of baldness, there medicines have been mentioned in the application are an effective natural in e

5.15 MB

To ensure the proper use of antithrombotic the Commission of Medicines and Medical Devices of the AP-HP (COMEDIMS) wanted to facilitate the provision

6.2 MB
ViMaRare 1.0.2

« ViMaRare » est une application générale à toute maladie rare et personnalisable par chaque utilisateur. Elle aide à mieux gérer le quotidien, le « v

27.65 MB
MotivaImagine 2.1.27

The MotivaImagine® App provides customers with safety and peace of mind through a private and secured global patient implant registry that validates d

31.34 MB
Mediniq 1.4

Mediniq is a unique medical and healthcare tourism service provider. We send customer requiring medical treatment abroad. What makes us unique is that

5.17 MB
mConferences 3.0.5

mConferences App is a mobile application for medical conferences. The purpose of the app is to inform health professionals and all other interested pa

18.8 MB