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Monitor your health whether you are trying to concieve, pregnant or just getting to know your body. While you’re sleeping, the Ava bracelet tracks key

53.67 MB

The Multiple Sclerosis - Clinical Care App contains current information on the diagnosis, classification, and management of multiple sclerosis (MS), c

59.95 MB

ZINI is your Personal Health Companion released in the form of a Chatbot. She is an Artificial Intelligence that learns as it interacts with you and g

8.29 MB

The Friars is proud to announce The Friars Mobile App. Members have access to cutting edge GPS, Live Scoring, a Member Directory, Trip Itineraries, an

21.65 MB

Install this Free App and start enjoying the best music for Meditation and Relax! Relax Meditation Therapy Music contains different high quality Medit

9.05 MB
Induction 7.0.1

In this update we are delighted to introduce TeamSpaces - an exciting new way for all healthcare professionals to communicate, collaborate and share i

22.49 MB

Download the Downtown Yoga & Pilates App today to plan and schedule your classes. From this App you can view class schedules, sign-up for classes, buy

6.98 MB
CubHub 3.2.15

Designed for field clinicians who want Point of Care charting that keeps the focus on patient care. Complete daily charting from iOS or Android device

31.49 MB

This application gives Cruising Association members access to the CA’s huge database of cruising reports and allows them to share information, experie

31.53 MB
Akuthjælp 2.4.1

Med den nationale akuthjælp-app kan du lynhurtigt få et overblik over samtlige skadestuer, akutmodtagelser, skadeklinikker mm i Danmark. Du kan ringe

26.5 MB
Village 1.0.8

東京ダンスヴィレッジの生徒さん専用アプリです。 レッスンの振替やヴィレッジからのメッセージが届きますので、ぜひご登録ください。 It is a dedicated application for students of Tokyo Dance Village. You will receive

3.85 MB

Tips to overcome this anemia can help you to be able to handle it. Anemia or lack of blood can be suffered by anyone, male or female, only it is more

3.48 MB
Perca Peso 1.0.12

O aplicativo Perca Peso foi construído para que você faça competições saudáveis com seus colegas! Crie grupos, adicione seus amigos e comemore com saú

9.52 MB


6.75 MB
B12 LOVE 4.2.9

Download the B12 LOVE App today to plan and schedule your services! From this mobile App you can view schedules, book appointments, view ongoing promo

10.72 MB
Vålerenga 6.0.8

Vålerengas- offisielle app Last ned appen gratis og kom tett på Vålerenga, også mens du er på farten! - Få siste nytt Vålerenga - Sett opp pushmelding

14.64 MB

Wellth rewards you for staying healthy! Wellth will help you manage your daily medications and care plan by sending you reminders to check-in through

17.37 MB
Sport Master 3.0.29

Questa App è dedicata alla prenotazione online dei campi Sport Master. Sostituisce il telefono permettendoti di prenotare i nostri campi 24h/24h grazi

16.91 MB

Introducing Best Food for your Blood Type apps. Blood type Diet at your fingertips – a quick, concise, and easy references inspired by Dr. Peter J. D’

22.91 MB

Medico brings the solution to all the medical needs at a single touch. Developed with the aim of providing the world class online medical experience,

32.22 MB