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Ruqya refers to the recitation of some specific verses from the Holy Qur’an or to make supplication using words that are mentioned in the Hadith of Pr

26.37 MB

Download Ruqyah Shariah therapy Lab App and listen to over twenty powerful ruqyah shariah by different sheikhs. High quality audios requires internet

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الرقية الشرعية مكتوبة ، تستعمل الرقية غالبا في علاج الحسد والعين اظافة الى علاج المس والسحر بدون انترنت وفي هذا التطبيق نقدمها لكم ان شاء الله مجانا ا

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Puzzle Alarm is for those person who wants to get up at given time but they simply turn off the alarm and again go to sleep. Puzzle Alarm will give yo

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Ruqyah 1.1

This application serves as a guidance for us and can at least remind youngster to not afraid anymore when some supernatural incident happen. Benefits

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HIGO 2.32

Get the best social experience while reading your favorite magazines. Introducing the “Tiles” feature. This shortcut page eases you to find the right

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الرقية الشرعية بأصوات أشهر قراء العالم العربي ومنهم: الشيخ أحمد بن علي العجمي ، الشيخ مشاري بن راشد العفاسي ، الشيخ ناصر القطامي ، الشيخ نبيل العوضي ،

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الرقية الشرعية: الرقية الشرعية الشاملة بصوت الشيخ مشاري العفاسي من القران والسنه متبوعة ببعض أدعية مستجابة باذن الله و ايات قرآنية للحماية من الحسد و

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Application Effective Full Ruqyah Al Sudais Used as a Disease Cure Ruqyah is a vast subject and covers many topics such as Sihr (Magic) Masaha (Posses

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Honey Fizz 4.9.912

Honey Fizz This app provides online booking, business information, special offers and more. Keep up to date with all the latest business information a

3.08 MB

Some people may think that gardening is not more than planting a few seeds in the ground and then wait for a good result or an attractive fence. One o

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이사마켓 1.1.2

포장이사비교견적!! 이제 여러 곳에 전화하실 필요 없어요!! 포장이사 전문업체 이사마켓은 내가 살고 있는 곳에서 가까운 이사업체 중에서 포장이사 잘하는 곳, 세개의 업체를 추천해주니까 포장이사비용부터 작업방식까지 쉽게 비교할 수 있어요!! 많고 많은 이삿짐센터, 포장이

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지니무빙 1.0.40

전세, 월세, 원룸, 투룸, 오피스텔 이사갈 때 지니무빙으로 한방에!! 이사팀 - 후기와 평점을 통해 합리적으로 이사 팀을 선택하세요. 마이페이지 - 나의 모든 활동 내역을 한 곳에서 편하게 모아 보세요. 간편견적 - 복잡한 이사견적, 간편견적으로 쉽고 빠르게 해결하세

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이사마켓 1.1.2

포장이사 비교견적 전문업체 이사마켓 ! 이사를 앞둔 고객님들의 가장 큰 고민은 바로 업체의 선정일 것입니다. 어떤 업체를 선정하는가가 이사의 처음이자 끝입니다. 하지만, 일일이 업체를 검색하고 전화하고 방문 스케쥴도 잡아야 하고, 바쁜 현대인들에게는 여간 불편한 일이

2.05 MB

POSHER is The Employee Experience Company: we have helped more than 350 companies to develop a complete Wellness Program for their employees: we are t

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Free and supported islamic app for any muslim to read and listen to ruqyah with recitation of sheikh Yasser Dossari, this ruqyah is offline. With this

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Free islamic application for any muslim to read and listen to ruqyah with quran recitation of sheikh Nabil Al awadi. With this Ruqyah you can protect

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Ayat Ruqiah Manzil ini digunakan sarana untuk mengobati penyakit & masalah lain. Ini adalah aplikasi audio untuk manzil, tidak ada koneksi internet at

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Ruqyah Syar'iyyah MP3 is an Islamic way to help Combat Black Magic (Sihr), Jinn, Witchcraft, and The Evil Eye. No streaming required. This ruqya App w

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Ruqya by Maulana Junaid for Spiritual Healing against Evil Eye, Sihr, Black Magic, defense against evil magicians, Sahir's, jinns and shayateens With

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