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هل تعلم انك ان كنت انت اخر شخص فى ذاكة احدهم قبل النوم سواء بتمنى لهو احلام سعيدة و ليلة طيبة او شاركنت معة صور تصبح على خير فان ذلك يترك اثر كبير فى

5.87 MB
عتاب 2.0

هل حدث يوم بينك و بين من تحب خلاف و اردت ان ترسل له صور عتاب او تشاركة معة لتوجة لة اللوم بكلمات رقيقة تعبر فيها عن حزنك او توصف له احساسك . كل منا ير

7.85 MB

جميعنا تاتى علينا اوقات الاكتاب و الزعل و الفراق حيث نمر بحالة نفسية سيئة و التي نبحتث فيها عن مشاركات تعبر عن حالتنا من رسائل حزن او صور دموع او خلفي

6.49 MB

Phrases and statuses for Social Networks is a very complete application, you will get more than 200 phrases and statuses of all kinds and for every oc

8.43 MB
ImOkMama Pro 1.0.6

«I'm Ok Mama - GPS tracker» is a free Android locator for parents whose children often forget to inform them whether they returned home after school,

4.88 MB
OK 6.7

somos una app que unimos personas diferentes

3.8 MB
I'm Ok 1.0.0

If you're the kind of people who always worry when someone doesn't respond to your calls or your messages, and you think that something bad could've h

3.26 MB
Chatta 2.9.5 è la più grande community italiana con milioni di iscritti. L'applicazione ti consente di restare in contatto con i tuoi amici mentre sei in

5.52 MB

Aplicatia Intrebari Interesante iti ofera acces gratuit la varianta pentru mobil, la o navigare rapida si foarte usoara pe site-ul preferat

393.63 KB


2.05 MB
BBS Client

Screen Orientation: Landscape System Language: English, Traditional Chinese Keyboard Input Method: English - AlphaNumeric, Traditional Chinese - Zhuyi

23.52 MB
Troopel 4.9

Troopel let's you discuss & participate on topics that interests you. Start your own revolution. - Make a dent in the universe. - Write your opinions

24.94 MB
WowBwow 2.1.12


41.22 MB
free chat 0.9.6

【登録いらず】 匿名ログインで誰でもすぐにはじめられます! Facebook,Twitter,Google Accountにも対応! 【全機能無料】 ・グループチャットの作成・チャットが無料で楽しめます! ・気になるお相手と1対1のチャットが無料で楽しめます! まずはダウンロード! 【注意】 ・卑猥

4.57 MB

Sree Mookambika Matrimony - Marriage Brokers Agent Hindu - Christian - Muslim

2.39 MB

Kammavar, First and Best Kammavar Naidu’s Matrimony – Most trusted matrimony portal. Kammavar facilitates more marri

18.9 MB

We are based on IUML Kerala Whatsapp Group Made by Fans. You can connect with us 24/7 online. IUML Kerala Whatsapp Group Programs, Live Class, IUML Pr

8.62 MB, the leading Matrimony service provider for all community. with a well mannered and traditional associates to assist you in search fo

2.3 MB

The unofficial University of Cape Town alumni app. Connect with fellow UCT Alumni: *Find batchmates by program, dorm & year *Look for mentors, jobs, f

5.4 MB

The unofficial National Institute of Design alumni app. Connect with fellow NID Alumni: *Find batchmates by program, department & year *Look for mento

5.48 MB