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Luna 0.1

Luna是一款简洁, 全功能的新浪微博客户端. 目前市场上新浪微博客户端繁多, 为什么我们要'重复造轮子'? 事实上, Luna 是一款科研相关的产品, 属于研究项目 eTime (

1.28 MB
鬼畜表情 2.1.2


9.28 MB
Echofon PRO

Echofon is the easy-to-use, super fast Twitter app that smartly syncs across all your devices. Wrapped in a beautiful, clean interface, Echofon for An

6.24 MB
Long Kong 0.9.11

Support most of the forum features.

7.59 MB
EpocCam Pro 1.4.1

★★★ Over 4 million downloads ★★★EpocCam is the best quality webcam application for Android. Works with PC or Mac computer. Compatible with Skype, MSN

537.4 KB
VineSaver 2.2

Users of VineSaver can download and save favorite vines videos to their devices easily by clicking on the share button in the app and choosing VineSa

2.76 MB
兜兜友 4.7.5

想约会、想恋爱、想告别单身?报名参加兜兜友非诚勿扰,这些不再是烦恼。兜兜友首创非诚勿扰交友模式,现已聚集百万优质单身男女,覆盖全国各大城市,是同城交友、告别单身的绝佳利器!1. 想体验当女嘉宾的感觉吗?众人围观,登上舞台,喜欢的留灯,不喜欢的灭灯。永远不知道下一位是谁,直到找到中意的他,牵手你俩的幸

19.71 MB
飞鸽传书 6.0.150915

Android版手机飞鸽传书是青岛飞鸽软件有限公司最新开发的Android系统手机、平板电脑版飞鸽传书,实现PC、手机、平板电脑的文字、文件、文件夹传输对拷。 功能特点: 1.专门为Android操作系统的手机与平板电脑开发。 2.体积小巧,便于安装。 3.实现手机或平板电脑WiFi局域网内

4.14 MB
It's 3.7

Means is a brand-new global information transport platform whose core technique is optimized translating, With which the language exchange and inform

37.08 MB

A convenient and customizable emoticons app.- Download emoticons from respoitories on clouds.- One-click copy and auto minimize / close.- Mark your fa

510.54 KB
MiniFetion 4.3.9

MiniFetion is a Android client for Fetion. It is free to send SMS to your friend. It do not need keep online always, This can save resources, time and

807.62 KB
豆瓣小组 3.3.11

这是一个独一无二的网络社区:每一天,都有来自全球 813 个城市的数百万用户汇聚在这里,共同讨论生活中的方方面面。这里拥有难以置信的活力,平均每 10 分钟就有一个新的小组被创建,每分钟就有数百篇话题被发表。无论你来自这个世界的哪一个角落,无论你将去向何方,都能在这里找到和你一样特别的人,并与他们互

3.76 MB
豆芽 1.0.0.beta.7

开源的 Material Design 第三方豆瓣客户端部分特性:- Material Design- 首页友邻广播- 启动速度优化- 界面动画- 支持屏幕旋转- 平板多列视图- 支持使用 Custom Tabs 打开网页- 支持切换长/短链接显示

3.49 MB
Gitter 1.0.0

Gitter is where developers come to talk. We provide free public chat rooms for developer communities and open source projects, as well as private chat

7.01 MB
湖畔 2.2.1

首创超人气亲密社交应用在这里,无所顾忌地与亲密的人分享真实生活,共同沉淀美好记忆。不再让你孤单,即使分隔异地,亲密的人也如同在一起。 贴心功能★好朋友,家人空间、二人世界,与亲密的人营造真实温暖★动感视频,随时捕捉“声动”画面★多图连记,一次可上传多达10张图片,串联精彩瞬间★独特的时间流方式沉淀生

7.97 MB
Sharpee 2.2.2

Sharpee brings you the world of art over Behance network of creative people. Join the world of graphic design, photography, classic art, architecture,

3.33 MB
Mera 2.0.10

Find people and groups chats near you and share your interests. Chat with new people and make real relationships happen.Its easy to create your own gr

20.41 MB
MShare 1.5.0

Still copy & paste and switch between different social apps, only for publishing the same post? Now is the time to change.MShare is another masterpiec

1.58 MB


14.27 MB
尚饭 1.1.1


4.86 MB