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4.21 MB
美编 1.3

24.35 MB

1.3 MB
XyCard 3.3.1

XyCard is simple and easy to use contact information-sharing networks. It is built on a unique cloud service, has a strong group of permissions, helpi

1.72 MB
DroidLock 1.0.3b

DroidLock is a security application that sets your lockscreen PIN code to the current time/date/battery resulting in an ever changing PIN that can not

4.18 MB

GO Media manager is an exclusive plugin of GO launcher EX . GO Media manager enables you to check pictures, music and videos in app drawer convenient

1.62 MB
StayAwake 0.4.7

1.18 MB

Sound Analyzer App lets you use your smartphone as a Sound Level Meter (SLM) and a Real time Audio Analyzer (RTA). Environmental noise, measured in de

1.69 MB
Top Camera 1.1.20130330

This app provides a camera button always on the top of the screen! Whatever you are doing (playing games, surfing the internet, or use any other apps)

213.44 KB
VR天文秀 1.0.2

52.34 MB

8.23 MB

8.73 MB
Chibe 1.0.0

In the past, many homes had a chiming or cuckoo's clock, that would make a noise every hour/half hour/quarter hour, cuckoo's Vibes emulates this beha

3.87 MB

批量自动将酷X音乐产生的歌词文件(krc)转换成一般歌词文件(lrc)。​使用方法:1.将X狗音乐产生的歌词文件放到/sdcard/kugou/lyrics/文件夹。 (警告:默认放在此处,lyrics文件夹不存在会闪退!)2.打开本应用3.离开本应用4.转换完成的文件放在/sdcard/kugou

1.2 MB
奇遇电影 2.1.2

△ 最美应用、爱范儿、少数派推荐应用资深电影编辑团队每日更新最有品、有料的电影资讯和深度解读;同时,巴塞电影集结泛华语圈优秀电影内容创作者的力量,为所有热爱电影的人提供多角度、多元化的电影内容。-巴塞快讯:每天推送最新鲜的电影资讯,首发海报、预告片、精彩花絮抢先看。-巴塞专访:电影圈的大事儿少不了我

15.16 MB
网易金融 3.5.8

10.72 MB
EnigmaCode 2.1.0


3.9 MB


17.87 MB
PDF Creator 1.0.3

Create, edit and save pdf files. Features include:Create PDF-pages from text or picturesAdd PDF-pages from text or pictures to existing PDFsMerge PDFs

9.69 MB
ZenTime 0.2

38.48 KB