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Reject Calls 2.1.14410

2nd version of RC application blocks unwanted calls and text messages, and helps manage a blacklist. RejectCalls blocks unwanted calls and sms and pro

218.28 KB

Air call and media manage Air Call and Media Manage application you just swell (waves) your hand to reject the call or accept the call and give the an

3.02 MB

Reject or Block Incoming calls. Store reject/blocked calls in database. User can see rejected/blocked calls. User can accepts call by adding number in

416.86 KB

Welcome you friend in the best application with the best skins for minecraft on this topic assassins creed. Where you will find best girl skins for mi

8.83 MB

هل تريد أن تسافر عبر تشوف المستقبل و تصلح الماضي دليل تطبيق السفر عبر الزمن يمكنك من إكتشاف تطبيق السفر عبر الزمن معلومات على تطبيق وصوره مخترعه الدي

8.46 MB
懐中電灯 1.0.0

シンプルで使いやすい無料の懐中電灯です! カメラのフラッシュライトと、画面全体をライトにする二つのモードを搭載!! ----------- アプリを起動すると、カメラのフラッシュライトが点灯します。 ライトを消したい時は、画面中央のボタンを押してください。 【スクリーンライト機能】 画面下部にある「

894.71 KB

This application program is a simple kitchen timer of the bear's face. ** "kuma" means a bear in Japanese. ** How to use: To set the timer, drag bear'

2.5 MB

○特長 3つのタイマーを持っており,個別に時間を設定できます. 複数のタイマーを同時にスタート・ストップさせたり,いずれか1つだけを操作したり,ということが可能です. 設定可能な最大の時間は「99時間59分59秒」までとなっています. アラーム音の代わりにバイブレーションを利用することができます.

1.59 MB
Speedtimer 1.1.2

Speedtimer is a simple Rubik's Cube timer and scrambler. Features: -1 millisecond precision timer; -Possibility to add penalities (DNF and +2); -Scram

959.43 KB
OnHax 1.2

♥Multi-Tasking♥ Every single element is perfectly crafted. Design qualities are inspired by Android L just to make it a fantastic experience for your

10.31 MB

Hamm Seismograph can display structure-borne swings, similar to a seismometer for earthquakes. In the surrounding of jobsites structure-borne swings,

684.41 KB

The Earthquake Monitor helps you go through earthquake events occurred based on their significance any where in the world from your phone or tablet Da

3.29 MB

Transformer votre Android en station sismique! Une application simple qui enregistre les 3 composantes X, Y, Z de l'accéléromètre intégré aux téléphon

1.18 MB
Survival 1.1

GUIDES: Survival guides (at the moment only in English and in Italian) POSITION: Tools for Offline and Online Maps(Google Maps) ALARMS: Alarms for pho

13.15 MB

Earthquake Alarm wakes you up when there is any kind of earthquake shake in your place, You can configure Earthquake Alarm with desired sensitivity fo

3.15 MB
SismoNica 1.0

Reportes de incidentes sísmicos de INETER. Esta aplicación lee información de INETER pero no es una aplicación oficial de INETER. Muestra en mapa ubic

1.77 MB
Sismograf 1.0

Sismograf bulunduğunuz lokasyonda canlı deprem analizi ve sarsıntı monitörü olarak geliştirilmiş bir uygulamadır.

903.28 KB
HUK Hilfe 3.0.1

Mit der HUK Hilfe-App behalten Sie im Schadenfall, bei Unfällen oder Pannen den Überblick. Übersichtlich aufgebaut und intuitiv bedienbar, bietet dies

5.8 MB

Convert online and for free your files such as documents (DOC, DOCX, RTF, TXT, ODT, DJVU), tables (XLS, XLSX, ODS), presentations (PPT, PPTX, ODP), im

159.78 KB

Export Text SMS to Excel File, a free app to save your SMS to MS Excel and Export Mobile Phone Text Messages Backup to Microsoft XLS File sheets. It i

2.41 MB