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23.47 MB

診所簡介: 「速く質の高い医療」 腸胃道疾病預防、早期篩檢到微創治療,提供最先進的腸胃道健康醫療及治療服務 診所建置最新、最高階得窄頻影像系統、高解析度的擴大型內視鏡、膠囊內視鏡、高階彩色都卜勒超音波等設備,專長診斷早期消化道腫瘤病變,包括早期胃癌、食道癌、大腸癌以及小型肝癌等。 專長內視鏡微創手術

4.71 MB

Text Widget Maker

3.6 MB
Notify 1.0.1

You can create notes on the notifications areas for reminder or somthing else. You can define picture,title,text whatever you want. You can also set o

2.8 MB
Device Info 2.0.2

It shows basic info about your device. - Screen size - Device android level For developers; - Device value folder - You can see and measure dp and sp

3.04 MB

Find out your latitude and longitude. You also share your locations.

3.23 MB

Uninstaller helps you to remove application in easy way. You can remove application on single click. Be aware when uninstalling the application, once

1.78 MB
Raspored 1.0

Školski raspored časova koji sadrži dva rasporeda za pre i posle podnevnu smenu.

1.47 MB

Friend Locator app is a state of art technology ease to use. Friends locator is effective and accurate location tracking app. It is designed to help y

3.27 MB
skautIS 3.4

Mobilní skautIS zpřístupňuje vybrané funkce informačního systému Junáka - českého skauta (skautIS) - https://is.skaut.cz/ Vybrané funkce jsou dostupné

23.15 MB
Cloud Pi 1.0.0

CloudPi is P2P software platform for Rasberry Pi. It enables to change the Rasberry Pi to really quick hardware prototype for an IoT device. Any senso

1.25 MB

Android phones get slow overtime. One of the reasons is that its space gets occupied with lots of folders, files, cache and unnecessary applications.

4.16 MB

Companion app for the famous board game Flamme Rouge by Asger Harding Granerud. Enjoy the Grand Tour: plan several stages in a row, select the attendi

12.73 MB

Bu Bilimsel Hesap Makinesi ile ; log, taban 10, faktöryel, yüzde, logaritma ve toplama, çıkarma, bölme, çarpma gibi temel hesap işlemleri logaritmik S

6.35 MB

★------ AppLock Security ------★ AppLock Security is an security application to protect your confidential data from other. This app is allows you to p

6.84 MB
Defenx Security Suite 6.1.20170706

Defenx Mobile Security Suite is an application designed to safeguard mobile devices (smart-phones and tablets) and the data they hold. The suite consi

5.91 MB


4.01 MB

5.26 MB

4.03 MB

《大话西游》中“曾经有一分爱情摆在我的面前,但我不知道珍惜,现在想起追悔莫及,如果上天给我再来一次的机会,我会对那个女孩说:我!爱!你!如果非要在这爱上加一个期限我希望是—一万年。”   言情小说描写中难免有男女暧昧之事的描写,粗俗露骨、铺陈丑态淫声出现,显出鄙秽。主张在描摹男女情性时,其字面上不露

4.17 MB