PolisiKu 4.5 [free]


Butuh bantuan polisi segera, tapi tidak tahu dimana pos polisi terdekat? Cukup buka aplikasi ini dan anda akan disajikan daftar pos polisi yang terdekat dari posisi anda
sekarang. Anda juga dapat langsung menelepon pos polisi tersebut melalui aplikasi ini.
Aplikasi PolisiKu memiliki 2 fitur utama :
- Mencari pos polisi terdekat dari posisi user
- Mencari pos polisi dimana saja di Indonesia
Selain itu, anda dapat mencari pos polisi sesuai kebutuhan anda :
- Bantuan keadaan darurat
- Pelayanan SIM
- Pelayanan BPKB dan STNK
- Pelayanan SKCK
- Laporan kehilangan
- Laporan polisi nakal
- Laporan penyalahgunaan narkoba/ miras
serta 2 layanan yang tidak dibawahi Polri :
- Pemadam Kebakaran
Dengan aplikasi ini anda dapat melihat
- jarak pos polisi dari lokasi anda
- alamat pos polisi
- lokasi pos polisi pada peta
- nomor telepon pos polisi, dan langsung menelepon dengan cara menekan button pada aplikasi
- jam pelayanan pos polisi
- syarat dan ketentuan pelayanan

Need help police immediately, but do not know where the nearest police station? Simply open the app and you will be presented a list of the nearest police station from
your current position. You can also call the police station through this application.
Applications cop has two main features:
- Finding the nearest police station from the user's position
- Looking for a police station anywhere in Indonesia
Additionally, you can find a police station according to your needs:
- Help emergencies
- SIM Services
- Services and registration BPKB
- Services SKCK
- Lost report
- The police report naughty
- Report abuse drugs / alcohol
as well as two services that are not subordinated to the police:
- ER
- Firefighters
With this application you can see
- Distance from the police post your location
- Postal address police
- The location of the police station on the map
- The phone number of police posts, and direct calls by pressing the button on the app
- Hour postal service police
- The terms and conditions of service

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  • Nome do Aplicativo: PolisiKu
  • Categoria: Ferramentas
  • Código App: app.android.polisiku
  • A versão mais: 4.5
  • Exigência: 4.2 ou superior
  • Tamanho : 11.72 MB
  • Atualizado: 2018-10-09