CalTracker is a tool to help you to track how many calories you eat and burn per day.
It will help you to control your weight.
- Search by food name, food category, calories amount
- Record calories intake/outtake
- Calories intake/outtake report (daily, weekly,monthly)
- Set Calories goal of your own
- BMI,BMR,TDEE calculator
It will help you to control your weight.
- Search by food name, food category, calories amount
- Record calories intake/outtake
- Calories intake/outtake report (daily, weekly,monthly)
- Set Calories goal of your own
- BMI,BMR,TDEE calculator
versões Antigas
- Nome do Aplicativo: CalTracker - สมุดบันทึกแคลอรี่
- Categoria: Saúde e cond. físico
- Código App: com.durianzapp.CalTrackerApp
- A versão mais: 3.01
- Exigência: 5.0 ou superior
- Tamanho : 10.03 MB
- Atualizado: 2019-11-04