abceed は、豊富な人気英語教材の中からあなたに最適な単語や問題をレコメンドし、最短での英語力UPを支援するAI英語教材アプリです。
【abceed の活用法】
AIが20,000問を超える問題の中から、① 現在のレベルに合った問題、② 復習の必要な問題の2種類をピックアップし、適切なタイミングでレコメンドします。
• 公式 TOEIC®Listening & Reading 問題集 5、他 - 国際ビジネスコミュニケーション協会
• TOEIC L&R TEST 出る単特急 金のフレーズ、他 - 朝日新聞出版
• 究極の英単語 vol1 初級の3000語、他 - アルク
• TOEIC L&R テスト文法問題でる1000問、他 - アスク出版
• TOEIC(R)テスト 新形式精選模試 リスニング2、他 - ジャパンタイムズ出版
• 新TOEIC TEST 出る順で学ぶ ボキャブラリー990、他 - 講談社
• 英検1級 でる順パス単、他 - 旺文社
• TOEICテスト英文法をひとつひとつわかりやすく。
、他 - 学研プラス
• はじめて受けるTOEICⓇテスト パーフェクト入門、他 - 桐原書店
• 世界一わかりやすいTOEICテストの英単語 - KADOKAWA/中経出版
• TOEIC L&R TEST 標準模試 2、他 - やどかり出版
• 1日1分! TOEIC L&Rテスト 炎の千本ノック! - 祥伝社
• TOEIC(R) L&Rテスト リスニング徹底攻略と模試 - ダイヤモンド社
• みるみる英語力がアップする音読パッケージトレーニング - ベレ出版
• 極めろ! リーディング解答力 TOEIC L&R TEST PART 5&6、他 - スリーエーネットワーク
• TOEICテスト完全教本 新形式問題対応 - 研究社
• はじめてでも600点ごえ!TOEIC L&Rテスト スコアアップ英単語1000 - 永岡書店
• ALL IN ONE TOEIC テスト 音速チャージ! - Linkage Club
• 出るとこ集中10日間! TOEICテスト リスニング編、他 - 西東社
• TOEIC® L&Rテスト 超即効スコアUPテクニック114 - マガジンハウス
• TOEIC L&R TEST金色證書:模擬測驗1 - 眾文圖書
* 随時対応教材を追加予定
• ウィズダム英和辞典第4版 - 三省堂
• ウィズダム和英辞典第3版 - 三省堂
• アルク辞書API - アルク
* 随時対応辞書を追加予定
TOEIC is a registered trademark of Educational Testing Service (ETS) in the United States and other countries. This app is not approved or endorsed by ETS.
アプリを利用するには、Android 6.0以降の端末が必要です。
abceed proプラン
abceed is an AI English teaching material app that recommends the best words and problems for you from abundant popular English teaching materials and helps you improve your
English in the shortest possible time.
[How to use abceed]
■ TOEIC score / vocabulary level prediction by AI
Based on the learning data of more than 1 million abceed users, just solve the problem and calculate your TOEIC score / vocabulary level in real time.
* TOEIC prediction score error average 6%
(Average error between the results of the TOEIC public test conducted in March 2019 and the predicted score of the day for 73 questionnaire respondents)
■ Recommended problems
AI learning using popular English teaching materials is realized!
From the questions with more than 20,000 AI questions, we will pick up two types of questions, (1) questions that match the current level and (2) questions that need to be
reviewed, and recommend them at the right time.
In case of (1), problems of the appropriate level that remove too easy problems and too difficult problems are extracted and recommended in order of priority.
In case of (2), the problem you made a mistake in the past? Marked questions that need to be reviewed are recommended at the right time based on the forgetting curve.
By repeatedly solving the "recommended problems", it is possible to efficiently perform both new learning and review.
* TOEIC prediction score averages 96 points / month UP by learning 30 questions a day
■ Learning function
You can learn popular teaching materials on your smartphone quickly!
Supports quiz functions such as words, TOEIC, and Eiken questions, and abundant learning functions such as shadowing, dictation, and slash reading.
Let's learn efficiently in the gap time!
■ Voice function
Listening audio of famous teaching materials such as TOEIC® L & R test and Eiken can be used for free!
You no longer need to download listening audio from CDs or websites.
Full of functions you want when listening measures, such as double-speed playback function, narrowing down function, and section repeat function!
Shadowing dictation using voice is also possible!
■ Automatic scoring function
With the automatic scoring / analysis mark sheet function that supports the famous teaching materials of the TOEIC® L & R test, you can perform learning analysis and
management all at once!
While looking at the paper teaching materials, tap the mark sheet on the app to mark. You can score automatically with the touch of a button.
Detailed analysis by score and time spent based on the scoring results. You can understand your weaknesses and review them more effectively.
■ Study time recording function
Learning time other than abceed can be recorded manually, in stopwatch format, timer format, etc.
You can manage the learning time collectively and look back on the transition of the learning time with a graph.
■ MY wordbook function
You can review using the quiz function by adding the words and phrases you want to review to the MY vocabulary.
Create an original vocabulary for each genre!
■ Dictionary function
Dictionaries such as Wisdom English-Japanese / Japanese-English dictionary have been dropped to make it easier to use on smartphones.
Not only can you search for words you don't understand, but you can also automatically supplement the meaning / example sentences of the MY wordbook and bookmark the
[Corresponding teaching materials]
• Official TOEIC® Listening & Reading Questions 5, etc.-The Institute for International Business Communication
• TOEIC L & R TEST Single Express Money Phrase, etc.-Asahi Shimbun Publishing
• Ultimate English words vol1 Beginner 3000 words, etc.-ALC
• 1000 TOEIC L & R test grammar questions, etc.-Ask Publishing
• TOEIC (R) Test New Format Selection Mock Test Listening 2, etc.-The Japan Times Publishing
• New TOEIC TEST Learn in order of appearance Vocabulary 990, etc.-Kodansha
• Eiken 1st grade forward pass, etc.-Obunsha
• TOEIC test English grammar is easy to understand one by one. , Etc.-Gakken Plus
• First TOEIC® Test Perfect Introduction, etc.-Kirihara Bookstore
• The most easy-to-understand TOEIC test English words in the world --KADOKAWA / Chukei Publishing
• TOEIC L & R TEST Standard Mock Test 2, etc.-Yadokari Publishing
• 1 minute a day! TOEIC L & R test Thousand knocks of flame! --Shodensha
• TOEIC (R) L & R Test Listening Thorough Strategy and Mock Test-Diamond
• Read aloud package training to improve your English skills --Bele Publishing
• PRIMARY TRAINER FOR THE TOEIC L & R TEST --Cengage Learning Co., Ltd.
• Extreme! Reading Answer TOEIC L & R TEST PART 5 & 6, etc. --Three A Network
• TOEIC test complete textbook New format problem correspondence --Kenkyusha
• 600 points even for the first time! TOEIC L & R Test Score Up English Words 1000 --Nagaoka Shoten
• ALL IN ONE TOEIC test Sonic charge! --Linkage Club
• 10 days of concentration when you leave! TOEIC test listening, etc. --Seitosha
• TOEIC® L & R Test Super Immediate Score UP Technique 114 --Magazine House
• TOEIC L & R TEST Golden Certificate: Simulated Test 1 --Shinbunsho
* Additional teaching materials will be added at any time
[Corresponding dictionary]
• Wisdom English-Japanese Dictionary 4th Edition-Sanseido
• Wisdom Japanese-English Dictionary 3rd Edition-Sanseido
• ALC Dictionary API-ALC
* Additional dictionaries will be added at any time
TOEIC is a registered trademark of Educational Testing Service (ETS) in the United States and other countries. This app is not approved or endorsed by ETS.
To use the app, you need an Android 6.0 or later device.
[About paid plans]
Paid membership fee can be selected from 1 month, 3 months, and 1 year usage, and membership registration is automatically renewed.
abceed pro plan
1 month: 2,200 yen / month
3 months: 5,400 yen / 3 months (1,800 yen / month)
1 year: 16,800 yen / year (1,400 yen / month)
* Prices are subject to change.
Terms of Use:
Privacy policy:
abceed は、豊富な人気英語教材の中からあなたに最適な単語や問題をレコメンドし、最短での英語力UPを支援するAI英語教材アプリです。
【abceed の活用法】
AIが20,000問を超える問題の中から、① 現在のレベルに合った問題、② 復習の必要な問題の2種類をピックアップし、適切なタイミングでレコメンドします。
• 公式 TOEIC®Listening & Reading 問題集 5、他 - 国際ビジネスコミュニケーション協会
• TOEIC L&R TEST 出る単特急 金のフレーズ、他 - 朝日新聞出版
• 究極の英単語 vol1 初級の3000語、他 - アルク
• TOEIC L&R テスト文法問題でる1000問、他 - アスク出版
• TOEIC(R)テスト 新形式精選模試 リスニング2、他 - ジャパンタイムズ出版
• 新TOEIC TEST 出る順で学ぶ ボキャブラリー990、他 - 講談社
• 英検1級 でる順パス単、他 - 旺文社
• TOEICテスト英文法をひとつひとつわかりやすく。
、他 - 学研プラス
• はじめて受けるTOEICⓇテスト パーフェクト入門、他 - 桐原書店
• 世界一わかりやすいTOEICテストの英単語 - KADOKAWA/中経出版
• TOEIC L&R TEST 標準模試 2、他 - やどかり出版
• 1日1分! TOEIC L&Rテスト 炎の千本ノック! - 祥伝社
• TOEIC(R) L&Rテスト リスニング徹底攻略と模試 - ダイヤモンド社
• みるみる英語力がアップする音読パッケージトレーニング - ベレ出版
• 極めろ! リーディング解答力 TOEIC L&R TEST PART 5&6、他 - スリーエーネットワーク
• TOEICテスト完全教本 新形式問題対応 - 研究社
• はじめてでも600点ごえ!TOEIC L&Rテスト スコアアップ英単語1000 - 永岡書店
• ALL IN ONE TOEIC テスト 音速チャージ! - Linkage Club
• 出るとこ集中10日間! TOEICテスト リスニング編、他 - 西東社
• TOEIC® L&Rテスト 超即効スコアUPテクニック114 - マガジンハウス
• TOEIC L&R TEST金色證書:模擬測驗1 - 眾文圖書
* 随時対応教材を追加予定
• ウィズダム英和辞典第4版 - 三省堂
• ウィズダム和英辞典第3版 - 三省堂
• アルク辞書API - アルク
* 随時対応辞書を追加予定
TOEIC is a registered trademark of Educational Testing Service (ETS) in the United States and other countries. This app is not approved or endorsed by ETS.
アプリを利用するには、Android 6.0以降の端末が必要です。
abceed proプラン
abceed is an AI English teaching material app that recommends the best words and problems for you from abundant popular English teaching materials and helps you improve your
English in the shortest possible time.
[How to use abceed]
■ TOEIC score / vocabulary level prediction by AI
Based on the learning data of more than 1 million abceed users, just solve the problem and calculate your TOEIC score / vocabulary level in real time.
* TOEIC prediction score error average 6%
(Average error between the results of the TOEIC public test conducted in March 2019 and the predicted score of the day for 73 questionnaire respondents)
■ Recommended problems
AI learning using popular English teaching materials is realized!
From the questions with more than 20,000 AI questions, we will pick up two types of questions, (1) questions that match the current level and (2) questions that need to be
reviewed, and recommend them at the right time.
In case of (1), problems of the appropriate level that remove too easy problems and too difficult problems are extracted and recommended in order of priority.
In case of (2), the problem you made a mistake in the past? Marked questions that need to be reviewed are recommended at the right time based on the forgetting curve.
By repeatedly solving the "recommended problems", it is possible to efficiently perform both new learning and review.
* TOEIC prediction score averages 96 points / month UP by learning 30 questions a day
■ Learning function
You can learn popular teaching materials on your smartphone quickly!
Supports quiz functions such as words, TOEIC, and Eiken questions, and abundant learning functions such as shadowing, dictation, and slash reading.
Let's learn efficiently in the gap time!
■ Voice function
Listening audio of famous teaching materials such as TOEIC® L & R test and Eiken can be used for free!
You no longer need to download listening audio from CDs or websites.
Full of functions you want when listening measures, such as double-speed playback function, narrowing down function, and section repeat function!
Shadowing dictation using voice is also possible!
■ Automatic scoring function
With the automatic scoring / analysis mark sheet function that supports the famous teaching materials of the TOEIC® L & R test, you can perform learning analysis and
management all at once!
While looking at the paper teaching materials, tap the mark sheet on the app to mark. You can score automatically with the touch of a button.
Detailed analysis by score and time spent based on the scoring results. You can understand your weaknesses and review them more effectively.
■ Study time recording function
Learning time other than abceed can be recorded manually, in stopwatch format, timer format, etc.
You can manage the learning time collectively and look back on the transition of the learning time with a graph.
■ MY wordbook function
You can review using the quiz function by adding the words and phrases you want to review to the MY vocabulary.
Create an original vocabulary for each genre!
■ Dictionary function
Dictionaries such as Wisdom English-Japanese / Japanese-English dictionary have been dropped to make it easier to use on smartphones.
Not only can you search for words you don't understand, but you can also automatically supplement the meaning / example sentences of the MY wordbook and bookmark the
[Corresponding teaching materials]
• Official TOEIC® Listening & Reading Questions 5, etc.-The Institute for International Business Communication
• TOEIC L & R TEST Single Express Money Phrase, etc.-Asahi Shimbun Publishing
• Ultimate English words vol1 Beginner 3000 words, etc.-ALC
• 1000 TOEIC L & R test grammar questions, etc.-Ask Publishing
• TOEIC (R) Test New Format Selection Mock Test Listening 2, etc.-The Japan Times Publishing
• New TOEIC TEST Learn in order of appearance Vocabulary 990, etc.-Kodansha
• Eiken 1st grade forward pass, etc.-Obunsha
• TOEIC test English grammar is easy to understand one by one. , Etc.-Gakken Plus
• First TOEIC® Test Perfect Introduction, etc.-Kirihara Bookstore
• The most easy-to-understand TOEIC test English words in the world --KADOKAWA / Chukei Publishing
• TOEIC L & R TEST Standard Mock Test 2, etc.-Yadokari Publishing
• 1 minute a day! TOEIC L & R test Thousand knocks of flame! --Shodensha
• TOEIC (R) L & R Test Listening Thorough Strategy and Mock Test-Diamond
• Read aloud package training to improve your English skills --Bele Publishing
• PRIMARY TRAINER FOR THE TOEIC L & R TEST --Cengage Learning Co., Ltd.
• Extreme! Reading Answer TOEIC L & R TEST PART 5 & 6, etc. --Three A Network
• TOEIC test complete textbook New format problem correspondence --Kenkyusha
• 600 points even for the first time! TOEIC L & R Test Score Up English Words 1000 --Nagaoka Shoten
• ALL IN ONE TOEIC test Sonic charge! --Linkage Club
• 10 days of concentration when you leave! TOEIC test listening, etc. --Seitosha
• TOEIC® L & R Test Super Immediate Score UP Technique 114 --Magazine House
• TOEIC L & R TEST Golden Certificate: Simulated Test 1 --Shinbunsho
* Additional teaching materials will be added at any time
[Corresponding dictionary]
• Wisdom English-Japanese Dictionary 4th Edition-Sanseido
• Wisdom Japanese-English Dictionary 3rd Edition-Sanseido
• ALC Dictionary API-ALC
* Additional dictionaries will be added at any time
TOEIC is a registered trademark of Educational Testing Service (ETS) in the United States and other countries. This app is not approved or endorsed by ETS.
To use the app, you need an Android 6.0 or later device.
[About paid plans]
Paid membership fee can be selected from 1 month, 3 months, and 1 year usage, and membership registration is automatically renewed.
abceed pro plan
1 month: 2,200 yen / month
3 months: 5,400 yen / 3 months (1,800 yen / month)
1 year: 16,800 yen / year (1,400 yen / month)
* Prices are subject to change.
Terms of Use:
Privacy policy:
versões Antigas
- 07/16/2021: AI英語教材abceed(エービーシード) 2.1.17
- 11/13/2020: AI英語教材abceed(エービーシード) 2.0.1
- Report a new version
- Nome do Aplicativo: AI英語教材abceed(エービーシード)
- Categoria: Educação
- Código App: com.globee.abceedanalytics
- A versão mais: 2.1.17
- Exigência: 6.0 ou superior
- Tamanho : 52.94 MB
- Atualizado: 2021-07-16