Besides all the ideas and products that you will find by browsing the pages in the catalog and publications, you will be able to access even more content with your Smartphone or tablet. By scanning selected pages in the printed IKEA catalog or accessing the pages in the digital catalog, you can view films and 360° room sets, and get to know the stories behind the products. You can also place selected furniture from the catalogue in your own room with the help of 3D and Augmented Reality!
To access the extra content, just look for the plus (+) symbol on the catalog pages and start scanning. All extra content is accessible in the digital IKEA catalog, as well.
The IKEA catalog was first introduced in 1951 and the first digital version was launched in 2011.
versões Antigas
- 01/19/2018: Catalogue 18.01
- 08/27/2017: Catalogue 18.00
- 05/17/2017: Catalogue 17.10
- 06/01/2017: Catalogue 15.11
- 01/02/2017: Catalogue 17.02
- 11/23/2016: Catalogue 17.01
- 07/06/2016: Catalogue 16.50
- 04/29/2016: Catalogue 16.30
- 11/25/2015: Catalogue 16.20
- 08/13/2015: Catalogue 16.10
- 07/07/2015: Catalogue 15.22
- 05/05/2015: Catalogue 15.21
- 03/25/2015: Catalogue 15.20
- Report a new version
- Nome do Aplicativo: Catalogue
- Categoria: Estilo de vida
- Código App:
- A versão mais: 18.01
- Exigência: 5.0 ou superior
- Tamanho : 36.83 MB
- Atualizado: 2018-01-19