どれだけたくさん話しても大丈夫、3 人のキャラクターたちが受け答えてくれます。
フツ太郎、ワル三郎、ラブ子の 3 人のキャラは日常の愚痴はもちろん、日頃リアルや SNS では言えないような愚痴までなんでも聞いてくれます。
どんな愚痴でも 3 人のキャラクターたちが応えてくれます!
設定を ON にすれば、キャラたちと音声でやりとりすることが可能です。
※Android の「設定>言語と入力>テキスト読み上げの出力」にて、テキスト読み上げエンジンの設定が必要です。
キャラたちには「性格・特徴」があり、設定の ON/OFF で自分の好みのキャラとだけやりとりすることができます。
設定を OFF にしたキャラは、会話に参加しなくなります。
入力モードで「フツ太郎」「ワル三郎」「ラブ子」と呼びかければ設定スイッチを切り替えることなく自動でそれぞれのキャラが ON になり、その他のキャラは OFF になります。
また「みんな」と呼びかければ 3 人とも ON になります。
また 3 人のキャラを全員 OFF にすると、楽器音のみで励ましてくれる「丹波りん」モードになります。
また「タイコ」モードで 3 人のキャラを全員 OFF にしたときに出てくる「たい子」の楽器は、コンガ、スネア、タムの 3 種類から選べます。
アプリインストール後、100 回まで送信できます。
それ以上の送信をする場合は動画広告を視聴いただくか、4 時間待つことで残り送信回数が 100 回にリセットされます。
※なお残り送信回数の MAX 値「100」は運営により適宜変更される場合があります。
1. 送信回数が無制限になります
2. タンバリンモード、タイコモードに登場する全キャラと同時に会話できる「ミックスモード」が無制限に使用できるようになります
3. 広告が削除されます
150円/月(上記の 1, 2, 3 すべてが適用されます)
Google Play での定期購入は解約手続きを行わない限り自動的に更新されます。
定期購入の更新を希望されない場合は、いつでも以下の方法で Google Play から解約できます。
Android スマートフォンまたはタブレットで Google Play ストアを開きます。
メニュー「≡」-> [定期購入] の順にタップします。
[定期購入を解約] をタップします。
It is an application that receives user complaints and talks!
You can spill your complaints!
Do you have a lot of things you can't say even if you want to say it? Leaving frustration and sickness can be stressful. But if you talk to someone, it may be
With this app, you can talk about complaints, complaints, stress and more!
It doesn't matter how much you talk, the three characters will answer. The three characters, Futsutaro, Walsaburo, and Rabuko, listen to not only everyday complaints, but
also complaints that cannot be said on a daily basis or on SNS.
Please talk a lot about this and that. Mysteriously, my feelings may clear up.
When you quit the app, all the history will be cleared so you won't have any complaints.
・ When you are tired
・ When frustrated
・ When you want to complain that you can't tell anyone
・ When you want to release stress
・ When you want to feel refreshed
・ When you are worried
・ When you are depressed
Three characters will respond to any complaints!
Let's talk with unique characters to relieve stress and change your mood!
* Futsutaro, Walsaburo, and Rabuko will respond even if you enter something other than complaints!
It has a function for the character to utter.
If you turn on the setting, you can communicate with the characters by voice.
You might really feel like talking to the characters ...
* You need to set the text-to-speech engine in "Settings> Language and input> Text-to-speech output" on Android.
Furthermore, if you press the microphone on the keyboard to enter voice input mode when entering characters, you can input your own words by voice. It may make you feel
better if you say your own words.
* You can communicate with your own voice and the voices of the characters.
You can select each character according to your preference. Characters have "personality / characteristics", and you can interact only with your favorite characters by
turning the setting ON / OFF. Characters whose setting is turned off will not participate in the conversation.
It also supports switching characters in conversation mode.
If you call "Futsutarou", "Warusaburo", or "Love child" in the input mode, each character will automatically turn on and the other characters will turn off without switching
the setting switch. Also, if you call them "everyone", all three will be turned on.
Also, if you turn off all three characters, you will be in "Tamba Rin" mode, which encourages you only with the sound of the instrument. Please use it when you do not need
the answer of the character.
If you switch to another mode, you can talk to the new character.
If you switch to "Tyco" mode from the settings, some characters will be replaced and you will be able to talk with "Futsutarou", "Hojiro", and "Tanoko". The new characters
"Hojiro" and "Tanoko" will also return their answers! You may change your mood ...
You can also choose from three types of "Taiko" instruments that appear when all three characters are turned off in "Tyco" mode: conga, snare, and tom. Let's enjoy the funny
music of Taiko!
You will also be able to use "mix mode" for billing. In the mix mode, you can freely combine and talk with all the characters in the "tambourine" and "tyco" modes. For
example, it is possible to have a conversation with "Warsaburo" and "Tanoko" at the same time.
・ Simple and easy-to-use functions and design
・ There is no initial setting or registration. Ready to download and use
・ No individual is identified. It's okay to say real complaints and feelings
・ When you exit the app, all the history will be cleared and you will not have any complaints.
Let's relieve stress and change your mood by telling the app what you can't tell, such as daily complaints, stress, dissatisfaction, and worries!
* Thank you to all the highly rated users! I'm glad you enjoyed it! Conversation accuracy is improving day by day, but sometimes misjudgment occurs. It's okay if it's a
simple sentence or a slightly complicated sentence, but the more complicated the sentence, the easier it is to make a misjudgment. We will continue to improve the accuracy.
Thank you.
--- Limitation on the number of transmissions ---
You can send up to 100 times after installing the app.
If you want to send more than that, please watch the video ad or wait 4 hours and the remaining number of transmissions will be reset to 100.
In addition, the number of transmissions will be unlimited by receiving the following charges.
* The maximum number of remaining transmissions, "100", may be changed depending on the operation.
--- About trial of mixed mode ---
By watching the video ad, you will be able to try the mix mode for only 5 minutes.
--- About subscription ---
Service name
Unlimited number of transmissions & mix mode & ad removal plan
Service contents
1. Unlimited number of transmissions
2. You will be able to use unlimited "Mix Mode" that allows you to talk at the same time as all characters appearing in Tambourine Mode and Tyco Mode.
3. The ad will be removed
Period and amount
150 yen / month (all of the above 1, 2 and 3 apply)
Unlimited number of transmissions & mix mode & ad removal plan subscription
Subscriptions on Google Play will be automatically renewed unless you cancel. If you do not wish to renew your subscription, you can cancel it from Google Play at any time
How to cancel a subscription
Open the Google Play Store on your Android smartphone or tablet. Tap the menu "≡"-> [Subscription]. Tap the subscription you want to cancel. Tap Cancel Subscription.
Follow the instructions on the screen.
Terms of service
privacy policy
どれだけたくさん話しても大丈夫、3 人のキャラクターたちが受け答えてくれます。
フツ太郎、ワル三郎、ラブ子の 3 人のキャラは日常の愚痴はもちろん、日頃リアルや SNS では言えないような愚痴までなんでも聞いてくれます。
どんな愚痴でも 3 人のキャラクターたちが応えてくれます!
設定を ON にすれば、キャラたちと音声でやりとりすることが可能です。
※Android の「設定>言語と入力>テキスト読み上げの出力」にて、テキスト読み上げエンジンの設定が必要です。
キャラたちには「性格・特徴」があり、設定の ON/OFF で自分の好みのキャラとだけやりとりすることができます。
設定を OFF にしたキャラは、会話に参加しなくなります。
入力モードで「フツ太郎」「ワル三郎」「ラブ子」と呼びかければ設定スイッチを切り替えることなく自動でそれぞれのキャラが ON になり、その他のキャラは OFF になります。
また「みんな」と呼びかければ 3 人とも ON になります。
また 3 人のキャラを全員 OFF にすると、楽器音のみで励ましてくれる「丹波りん」モードになります。
また「タイコ」モードで 3 人のキャラを全員 OFF にしたときに出てくる「たい子」の楽器は、コンガ、スネア、タムの 3 種類から選べます。
アプリインストール後、100 回まで送信できます。
それ以上の送信をする場合は動画広告を視聴いただくか、4 時間待つことで残り送信回数が 100 回にリセットされます。
※なお残り送信回数の MAX 値「100」は運営により適宜変更される場合があります。
1. 送信回数が無制限になります
2. タンバリンモード、タイコモードに登場する全キャラと同時に会話できる「ミックスモード」が無制限に使用できるようになります
3. 広告が削除されます
150円/月(上記の 1, 2, 3 すべてが適用されます)
Google Play での定期購入は解約手続きを行わない限り自動的に更新されます。
定期購入の更新を希望されない場合は、いつでも以下の方法で Google Play から解約できます。
Android スマートフォンまたはタブレットで Google Play ストアを開きます。
メニュー「≡」-> [定期購入] の順にタップします。
[定期購入を解約] をタップします。
It is an application that receives user complaints and talks!
You can spill your complaints!
Do you have a lot of things you can't say even if you want to say it? Leaving frustration and sickness can be stressful. But if you talk to someone, it may be
With this app, you can talk about complaints, complaints, stress and more!
It doesn't matter how much you talk, the three characters will answer. The three characters, Futsutaro, Walsaburo, and Rabuko, listen to not only everyday complaints, but
also complaints that cannot be said on a daily basis or on SNS.
Please talk a lot about this and that. Mysteriously, my feelings may clear up.
When you quit the app, all the history will be cleared so you won't have any complaints.
・ When you are tired
・ When frustrated
・ When you want to complain that you can't tell anyone
・ When you want to release stress
・ When you want to feel refreshed
・ When you are worried
・ When you are depressed
Three characters will respond to any complaints!
Let's talk with unique characters to relieve stress and change your mood!
* Futsutaro, Walsaburo, and Rabuko will respond even if you enter something other than complaints!
It has a function for the character to utter.
If you turn on the setting, you can communicate with the characters by voice.
You might really feel like talking to the characters ...
* You need to set the text-to-speech engine in "Settings> Language and input> Text-to-speech output" on Android.
Furthermore, if you press the microphone on the keyboard to enter voice input mode when entering characters, you can input your own words by voice. It may make you feel
better if you say your own words.
* You can communicate with your own voice and the voices of the characters.
You can select each character according to your preference. Characters have "personality / characteristics", and you can interact only with your favorite characters by
turning the setting ON / OFF. Characters whose setting is turned off will not participate in the conversation.
It also supports switching characters in conversation mode.
If you call "Futsutarou", "Warusaburo", or "Love child" in the input mode, each character will automatically turn on and the other characters will turn off without switching
the setting switch. Also, if you call them "everyone", all three will be turned on.
Also, if you turn off all three characters, you will be in "Tamba Rin" mode, which encourages you only with the sound of the instrument. Please use it when you do not need
the answer of the character.
If you switch to another mode, you can talk to the new character.
If you switch to "Tyco" mode from the settings, some characters will be replaced and you will be able to talk with "Futsutarou", "Hojiro", and "Tanoko". The new characters
"Hojiro" and "Tanoko" will also return their answers! You may change your mood ...
You can also choose from three types of "Taiko" instruments that appear when all three characters are turned off in "Tyco" mode: conga, snare, and tom. Let's enjoy the funny
music of Taiko!
You will also be able to use "mix mode" for billing. In the mix mode, you can freely combine and talk with all the characters in the "tambourine" and "tyco" modes. For
example, it is possible to have a conversation with "Warsaburo" and "Tanoko" at the same time.
・ Simple and easy-to-use functions and design
・ There is no initial setting or registration. Ready to download and use
・ No individual is identified. It's okay to say real complaints and feelings
・ When you exit the app, all the history will be cleared and you will not have any complaints.
Let's relieve stress and change your mood by telling the app what you can't tell, such as daily complaints, stress, dissatisfaction, and worries!
* Thank you to all the highly rated users! I'm glad you enjoyed it! Conversation accuracy is improving day by day, but sometimes misjudgment occurs. It's okay if it's a
simple sentence or a slightly complicated sentence, but the more complicated the sentence, the easier it is to make a misjudgment. We will continue to improve the accuracy.
Thank you.
--- Limitation on the number of transmissions ---
You can send up to 100 times after installing the app.
If you want to send more than that, please watch the video ad or wait 4 hours and the remaining number of transmissions will be reset to 100.
In addition, the number of transmissions will be unlimited by receiving the following charges.
* The maximum number of remaining transmissions, "100", may be changed depending on the operation.
--- About trial of mixed mode ---
By watching the video ad, you will be able to try the mix mode for only 5 minutes.
--- About subscription ---
Service name
Unlimited number of transmissions & mix mode & ad removal plan
Service contents
1. Unlimited number of transmissions
2. You will be able to use unlimited "Mix Mode" that allows you to talk at the same time as all characters appearing in Tambourine Mode and Tyco Mode.
3. The ad will be removed
Period and amount
150 yen / month (all of the above 1, 2 and 3 apply)
Unlimited number of transmissions & mix mode & ad removal plan subscription
Subscriptions on Google Play will be automatically renewed unless you cancel. If you do not wish to renew your subscription, you can cancel it from Google Play at any time
How to cancel a subscription
Open the Google Play Store on your Android smartphone or tablet. Tap the menu "≡"-> [Subscription]. Tap the subscription you want to cancel. Tap Cancel Subscription.
Follow the instructions on the screen.
Terms of service
privacy policy
versões Antigas
- 03/03/2021: 愚痴ってスッキリ!タンバリン(Tanbarin) 4.2.11
- 01/21/2021: 愚痴ってスッキリ!タンバリン(Tanbarin) 4.2.10
- Report a new version
- Nome do Aplicativo: 愚痴ってスッキリ!タンバリン(Tanbarin)
- Categoria: Entretenimento
- Código App: com.kb_fiber.tanbarin
- A versão mais: 4.2.11
- Exigência: 4.4 ou superior
- Tamanho : 7.45 MB
- Atualizado: 2021-03-03