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Bungee Train is a puzzle game with mind blowing yet simple stuff! Just make a way for Bungee Train by opening a track and let the bogie pass by its ma

37.44 MB
Эрудит 1.5.0

Знакомая всем с детства, увлекательнейшая игра "Эрудит" (Scrabble в английском варианте). Можно играть одному, с друзьями оффлайн, с друзьями онлайн,

20.97 MB

Domination is a game that is a bit like the well known board game based on strategy and risk. It lets you play online, has many game options and inclu

5.09 MB

This is crosswords the Scandinavian way: Clues in squares. Solve fun and challenging crosswords in this app, which will give you plenty of intelligent

28.63 MB
AndrMars 1.9

- Due to the time delay between Mars and Earth the driving process is somewhat different. - You can not drive directly the robot, instead you must sen

268.92 KB

What do you get when the age-old scrabble board meets the amazing gameplay of Yahtzee? Meet Word Bingo, the best, and the only word game with no ads!

80.9 MB

Build and expand a large-scale woodworking factory! Buy equipment, hire employees, and start production. Run operations with a careful hand and automa

53.16 MB

¡CADA BATALLA ES ALGO DISTINTO! ¡Compite por ganar torneos y la liga online contra otros usuarios, intenta conseguir a tu freestyler favorito, aprovéc

88.06 MB

Enjoy the fun of playing nonogram. Keep filling the grid by clicking to finally unlock a fancy picture. Exercise your logical thinking with nonogram.

74 MB

《逐鹿三國2》為你重新定義三國策略戰爭遊戲!由佈防到進攻策略都由你一手包辦,完全掌控戰爭過程,鬥智鬥力,跟全世界玩家決戰,一統天下!識得玩,一定係玩《逐鹿三國2》!即刻下載啦! 官方網頁:http://3k.6waves.com/ 官方Facebook專頁:https://www.facebook.

82.33 MB

あの「妖怪ウォッチ」が ”ぷにっ”とパズルでスマホゲームに! ジバニャンやコマさんなど、みんなが大好きな妖怪が ぷにぷに感が気持ちいい“妖怪ぷに”になったよ♪ タップで消して、つなげて大きく! ぷにぷに感がクセになる! 【あそびかた】 各ステージに登場する敵妖怪をやっつけるとクリア! 攻撃は上から落

82.05 MB

Words game you can play offline or online, on same device or bluetooth. Words With Friends Offline is: Two dictionaries (OSPD,SOWPODS) Rich settings m

25.12 MB
Sumdog 3D 56.0.5

Download the Sumdog 3D app to play Sumdog's newest 3D games with Math, Reading and Spelling questions. (Spelling coming soon!) Sumdog's other games ca

40.65 MB

Tommy got into trouble again! Our hero is behind bars. But he's not going to stay in jail for a long time and he decides to escape. Tommy steals a key

37.15 MB
Mind Games 0.9.0

Mind Games - a new game for relax and, at the same time, to work - the work of the mind. A game for those who like to solve puzzles and riddles. For t

20.26 MB
God Kings 0.61.1

IT’S TIME TO BECOME THE WORLD’S GREATEST KING!! Compete on the ultimate battleground against epic monsters and tyrannical enemy kings in the vast 3D w

99.19 MB

Welcome to Army Men Strike Beta! • Preview the latest features: Try out the newest features. (Sometimes these may be a little rough around the edges.)

149.34 MB

ΣταυρόΛΕΞΟ ---------- Το ΣταυρόΛΕΞΟ είναι μια εφαρμογή που ως σκοπό έχει να διασκεδάσει το χρήστη, ενώ την ίδια στιγμή αυτός εξασκεί το μυαλό του. Τα

5.7 MB

Play dominoes on your Android device with beautiful graphics and real life gameplay. Feel the vibration as you slam your domino to the table with auth

7.37 MB

This is a 20-turn free version of Invasion of Japan 1945, which is a turn based strategy game set on the Pacific theater during the Second World War.

1.37 MB