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提供刺激的血战模式,让你决战到底! 1,经典游戏,Android的体验。界面精细,声音优美,动画丰富。 2,随时随地,方便娱乐。3.和数千玩家联网对战,锻炼牌技。4,血战麻将需缺门才能胡牌。伴有条筒万三种牌时不能吃胡。

2.25 MB
七圣 1.6.0

8.72 MB


4.69 MB

176.96 KB

Poker meets Alice in Wonderland in this Strategy Role Playing Game (RPG) with lots of powerful and stunning cards to battle your enemies. Be prepared

42.9 MB

☆★ 新春背景免费发送~!雀神mm祝大家蛇年大吉,财源滚滚~!☆★★☆★最容易胡大牌的麻将对战游戏★★☆★画面最华丽的真人竞技麻将游戏★欢乐二人雀神是QQ游戏大厅广受欢迎的二人麻将对战游戏,规则简单,娱乐性强。特别为安卓用户量身定制,您可以与游戏大厅的玩家同桌竞技,一较高下,是睡前路上休闲小憩的最佳

20.82 MB

Are you looking for a great beer and pretzels game for your mobile device? Would you like to play against your friends even if you don't have a board

15.91 MB

11.43 MB

★ Slot Machine+ voted the BEST CASINO GAME by Best App Ever Awards 2011 and 2013! http://bestappever.com/awards/2011/winner/csgm ★★ Slot Machine+ got

17.24 MB

6.63 MB

The masters of portable pinball gaming, Gameprom, have taken advantage of the NVIDIA® Tegra™ processor to create the best version of Pinball HD on any

44.4 MB

9.29 MB

6.63 MB
摇你妹 2.1.0

4.06 MB
QQ升级 1.0

4.15 MB

Dou di zhu is a very popular poker game in China.Official http://www.gts8.com Facebook http://www.facebook.com/GoodTeamStudio Twitter http://twit

994.06 KB

10.65 MB
Reversi 1.34

★ Top Developer (awarded 2013) ★Reversi is the best Reversi (aka Othello) game on Android! Same as our “Reversi Free”, but without ads. Featuring: - U

3.54 MB
UNO 3.6.7i

Play the #1 classic card game for fun with friends and family on your Android phone! The world-famous card game is faithfully reproduced for mobile an

45.8 MB
JJ Lord 4.04.06

JJ斗地主, 智能手机上斗地主游戏第一品牌,全球奖品最多的棋牌游戏,累计8千万用户下载,棋牌玩家首选的斗地主游戏。JJ斗地主四大特色: 1. 同时支持斗地主,欢乐斗,二人斗和单机四种模式,有网没网都能爽。 2. 话费充值卡比赛每天5分钟一场,24小时不间断;每周末更有大奖赛,全部免费参加!完备的

28.41 MB