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We’ve all played toy crane game and stuffed toy animal grabbing machines at the arcades and usually walked away with no stuffed toys and no pennies ei

31.51 MB

So fan for sweet candy puzzle game. Match and collect 3 or more candies in Candy Paradise. With excellent sweet graphics and amazing props. Candy Para

24.55 MB

Now you can play Baby Hazel Skin Care game app for free on your favorite android device. It is winter. Baby Hazel has returned home after playing in s

16.7 MB

Now you can play Baby Hazel Newborn Baby game on your android device for free. Life is beautiful. Baby Hazel and her parents are in seventh heaven sin

16.95 MB

Play Baby Hazel Kitchen Time game on your android device for free. Baby Hazel is very much interested to try something at the kitchen. So today our li

19.65 MB

Hurray! Baby Hazel and family are going for a picnic. Play games, enjoy fun-filled activities and a lot more to enjoy with family at picnic spot. So,

20.4 MB

Play Baby Hazel Fairyland Ballet for free! Join Baby Hazel to win Fairyland Ballet competition by defeating her Ice fairy! Hurray! Baby Hazel is parti

23.84 MB

Baby Hazel plans to prepare food of her choice today. Oh! But no ingredients are available in kitchen which she needs. Can you go along with Hazel to

19.2 MB

三國志中草船借箭是三國演義裡面一段膾炙人口的故事。 東漢末年各地群雄割據相互爭戰併吞, 曹操挾天子以令諸侯,剿滅了呂布、張繡、袁術稱霸中原, 更在官渡之戰中以寡敵眾大敗袁紹統一了北方。 曹操統一北方之後, 率領數十萬大軍攻打江東想要一統天下, 東吳的孫權與周瑜、魯肅、黃蓋等大將商討對策, 劉備也正為

19.7 MB
Rhythm Patrol 2.180815

Rhythm Patrol is a new musical game based on your favorite cartoon! The sorceresses from Fantasy Patrol just adore music and creativity! When they are

26.28 MB
Tap TV 7.0.0

The Tap TV remote, by AMI Entertainment Network, allows Android users to connect & interact with nearby screens broadcasting Tap TV’s exclusive suite

28.63 MB

HOW TO USE? • Click on START. • Scan complete area containing questions with all its 3 options. • As soon as complete question scanned click on Search

5.84 MB
Mr Knife 1.0.6

Are you a knifer? Let's take a look! The knife's rule manual: Rule 1: Click to launch the flying knife. Rule 2: Hit the target to score. Rule 3: Heads

30.24 MB

The ex-boyfriend broke up with me and hurt my heart. How can I get him to be with him current girlfriend? I must tear them apart. This is a game of br

35.81 MB

Turn and win Cash is an easygoing turning wheel diversion where you can win coins. In this diversion you are given a turning haggle turning that wheel

10.17 MB

Kruszwil Clicker - zostań najbardziej prestiżowym człowiekiem na świecie! Klikaj aby zbierać prestiż, wydawaj go na swoje zachcianki! Zbuduj własne im

6.2 MB

New gameplay, new levels, new difficulty, let's start sinking into the jelly cube game. Gameplay: (≧∀≦)ゞ:Click on any 2 adjacent jelly cubes of the sa

14.95 MB
Happy Fish 8.6.38

Welcome to Happy Fish! Super popular game- Happy Fish is available on Android! More than 150 kinds of cute fishes are waiting for you! Join us an

90.41 MB

Guitar Fretboard Trainer This guitar fretboard training app allows you to practice your memorization of the fingerboard whilst you do not have access

2.72 MB
CreaMojis 2.1.5

La app oficial del #EmojiChallenge para que juegues sin parar con tus amigos. Cuidado, es adictivo. El juego es simple: una serie de emojis aparecerá

66.15 MB