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「顔年齢診断カメラ」は、アプリ内蔵カメラで撮影した顔写真から顔年齢を診断します。診断結果には、同系統の有名人/芸能人も表示。あなたは誰似?遊び心満載のジョークアプリなので、気軽に診断結果を楽しんでください。 ダウンロード無料!!何回診断しても無料!! ========================

2.42 MB

\\\\\ 御礼!30万ダウンロード達成!///// 大人気!!あの脳内メーカーがパワーアップして帰ってきました!! もちろんダウンロード無料!!何回プレイしても無料!! 脳は全てを知っている!?脳内を覗いてみれば、あなたの深層心理が見えちゃうかも!? ・お金大好き! ・エッチなことばっかり考えて

5.49 MB

少女は帰り道にネコを拾った。 それが運命の始まりだった… 全てのネコ好きたちに送る。 ハートフルダークファンタジーが登場!

18.07 MB

Ken and Amy are in a relationship and Ken is going to propose to Amy. Please help him design and prepare a proposal plan. 1. Please message Amy to inv

25.71 MB

ultrasound pregnancy prank, turn your phone into ultrasound scanning. joke and prank with your wife. girlfriend or even your husband. hold your cell p

2.18 MB

Version gratuite avec publicités Amuse-toi avec cette adaptation de ce célèbre jeu en français ! "Appuierez vous sur le bouton ?" est une adaptation s

6.16 MB

Unicorn Valentine Sky Rider 3D Valentine’s Day is almost there! Don’t you have a Valentine? Just go running with a unicorn, much more awesome! This Un

29.19 MB

Teddy Bear Machine 2 is the sequel of the famous Teddy Bear Machine, which got over 3 million downloads! Teddy Bear Machine 2 is an exciting and addic

5.36 MB

Shoot and pop bubbles, collect bombs and complete levels. 800+ levels with check points in every 5 levels. Create sequences of bubbles from the same c

12.89 MB

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Celebrate your birthday with a giant cake & tons of YUMMY food maker activities! Make delicious birthday treats like princess cupcak

47.21 MB
Fake call 6.0

Fake incoming call is a tool which can set up virtual incoming phone call to you! If you are on a meeting and you want to leave - set incoming phone c

2.81 MB

My boyfriend left me and my heart is broken. What should I do? It's no big deal!!! I should dry my tears, take a warm bath and do something like fitne

28.47 MB

Hello, you definitely read many stories and know much about princesses. They are beautiful, intelligent, good and even courageous. If you like stories

30.83 MB

西暦20XX年… 絶滅の危機に瀕するネズミたちが 種の存亡を賭け、最後の戦いに挑む! ネズミとネコの壮絶な死闘を描く 大量生産型育成シュミレーション! レビューして頂きました!

26.76 MB

◆ 전화로 듣기 ◆ 귀신 들린 전화기에서 흘러 나오는 음산한 목소리에 집중하라 그들이 들려주는 귀신 이야기를 듣고 있으면 익숙한 공간마저 소름돋는 무대로 변할 것이니... ◆ 괴담 읽기 ◆ 무섭지만, 화장실도 못 갈 정도로 무섭지만 그만 읽을 수가 없다! 추리고 추린,

48.54 MB

* 실행이 안 될 경우 설정 > 어플리케이션 > 데레테스트 > 권한 에서 세가지 설정을 전부 켜주세요! * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 흥, 벼, 별로 너 같은

12.65 MB

나의 첫사랑은 과연 누구일까...? 풋풋했던 당신의 첫사랑을 찾아드릴께요 ♥♥♥첫사랑감별기♥♥♥ 유치원때 뽀뽀했던 김xx? 초등학교때 짝이었던 박oo? 아니면 첫키스를 했던 최oo? 첫사랑이란 단어를 보자마자 누군가가 떠올랐다구요? 분명 첫사랑을 지나간것 같은데, 정확

5.23 MB

Feel the speed as you jump your way down the serious twists and turns of a massive waterslide in this unique Water slide Extreme Jump game. Twenty sta

32.81 MB

Make a fashion statement the world won’t forget! As one of the hottest celebrities in the world right now, you have access to all of the beauty and fa

40.96 MB

Do not sell weed! Not only because of marijuana to harm the body, and you will often experience "robbers and police" patronizing,If your the drug trad

30.5 MB