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Long time ago, the world had only one continent, with many gods lived on it...... The gods' power could destroy the whole world, yet their ambitions w

42.65 MB

Explore the world of the fifteenth FINAL FANTASY in the palm of your hand. Download Chapter 1 and play for free! Subsequent chapters are available for

48.51 MB

◆ Grow heroes quickly through puzzle combo. ◆ You can collect a variety of heroes of unique character. ◆ Set up your party to match your job and attri

46.33 MB
Star Trace

FT Games has come out with its latest master piece, the MMORPG, with a variety of adventure settings for you to explore. With the Four Great civilizat

24.34 MB

Grau e corte BR, agora na Google Play! Jogue com as suas motos favoritas! Tenha uma reputação, trabalhe e conquiste suas residências. ----------------

55.76 MB

傲世霸刀,震撼登場——全新門派霸刀來襲,英雄霸骨挑戰最狂輸出; 武當紅顏,絕色巾幗——女性武當入駐江湖,以柔克剛詮釋無雙紅顏; 動效外裝,夏雨清荷——春季外裝加入互動表現,全新動態場景綻放夏蓮之美; 心魔幻境,改版升級——刺激戰場絕命逃殺,酣暢技能掌控終極亂鬥; 《新劍俠情緣》傳承劍俠系列端遊20年

41.72 MB
Billion Lords 1.0.11

is currently in SOFT LAUNCH. Please share your feedback with us via “Feedback”!' Once upon a time, the Underworld was ruled by Lord of Evil… Driven by

65.44 MB

Integrated testing of AG Subway Simulator Pro. Some features are disabled. Please report any problems to us by email (see support email).

30.3 MB

Get information about blood sugar values. Blood sugar values depends on several things. For example, the blood glucose levels are different from immed

3.16 MB

Discover new Heroes with powerful abilities, and upgrade everything - Heroes, Towers, and Minions as you see fit. Assemble the ultimate team to domina

73.54 MB

Landing on an aircraft carrier is one of the most difficult tasks a pilot has to execute. The flight deck is only 150 meters long, just enough to stop

29.69 MB

Create the best airline in the world and manage dozens of airliners. Fly from the main hubs to open thousands of routes towards all the major airports

33.14 MB

Delve into the wizard's universe--play Maguss! A location-based fantasy MMORPG, Maguss is set in the most amazing environment ever created: the world

32.28 MB

Background: “Epic Fantasy” uses the animation style to rebuild the time when Gods and humans coexisted. Evil spirits summoned by Aphrodite, the goddes

19.04 MB

Townkins: Wonderland Village is a 3D free to play simulation game with beautiful graphics and an immersive, online world that will capture your imagin

35.71 MB

Summoning the Norse Gods to save the fantasy world from collapsing, it is your fate to stop the monster invasion and write your legends! Join this epi

87.97 MB

【藏劍長歌 重新定義武俠江湖】 全新門派藏劍、長歌登場,劍有鋒形不露爆發輸出-藏劍、氣與曲合琴音卓絕遠程輔助-長歌,打破江湖格局,還原最真實嘅武林! 【十四門派 手機遊戲巔峰之作】 藏劍、武當、桃花、天王、逍遙、天忍、翠煙、丐幫、五毒、唐門、崑崙、峨眉,武林各大門派精英盡出,極致還原天下武功! 【武

40.5 MB
True Fishing

Represent you the best fishing simulator! You expect: - 19 beautifully detailed locations - More than 170 kinds of various fish - Wide range of tackle

19.21 MB

Endless Islands! Next Generation Photorealistic Graphics! Battle Royale! Sci-Fi Planets! First & Third person mode!

99.21 MB

This game is in development! It will be constantly updated with more features, buses, lines and maps! This is a playable beta to demonstrate its conce

28.82 MB