NET TV NEPAL 3.0.0 [free]


NET TV NEPAL is the first Commercial IPTV Service having Nepal Government's license to operate IPTV. NET TV is operating under NITV STREAMZ PVT LTD which is a company
located in Kathmandu. Being the team of market leaders in streaming and triple play multiscreen device delivery solution, NET TV will focus to develop open platform where
any one can bring their contents to sell and make the business partnering with us.
NET TV NEPAL allows you to access your favorite Live TV Channels, Movies, Catch-up TV and On-Demand Video contents through your android phones, tablets, Chromecast,
iPhone, iPad, Apple TV and more. NET TV NEPAL is offering Ultra High Definition, UDF Quality IPTV Service in Nepal with 4K Video streaming quality over Set-Top-box. NETTV
NEPAL is providing both OTT & IPTV Service in Nepal whereas OTT offer over smartphones, tablets, Apple TV, Android TV and IPTV offer over IP Set-top box (STB) bundle
with Local ISP Network.
Live TV and Movies will work only in android devices with Android version 4.0 and above. Users on older devices will only be able to watch TV Shows and Youtube Plus
Our service is available for Nepal only. Users outside Nepal can download our other app World On Demand to enjoy similar services worldwide.
Licensed contents of all Nepali channels - Nepal TV, NTV Plus, NTV News, Himalaya TV, Avenues TV, Sagarmatha TV, ABC TV, Kantipur TV, Image Channel, Vision Nepal as well
as Premium channels - Sony Ent, National Geo, Sab TV, Sony Mix, Star Sports, AXN, Cine Max, Colors TV, Star Plus, Discovery, HBO, Star Sports, Select HD, NHK World, NHK
Premium, BBC, CNN etc.
More than 150 Live TV Channels with Catchup TV provisions and their TV Shows as On-Demand content are available on IP Set-top-box. Also thousands of Movies Library and
access to unlimited On-demand content.
Our service runs only over local Intranet, So, its very fast and smooth from any network of ISPs & Telcos. We have already partnered with two major ISPs in Nepal
-WorldLink & ViaNet. Very soon, we will also have more ISPs joining in alliance for local distribution over ISP's intranet.
OTT Service for Limited Channels are now launched over Nepal Leading Telecom Axiata Ncell Nepal.
Signup today,
IP Set-top-box (STB) is available with ISP Bundle so contact our Authorized ISP Distributors -

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